Jan 18, 2014 02:06
I think I might just start communicating solely in lists. It's a lot easier than making the effort to form complete sentences.
Some of the things I'm angry about at the moment, in no particular order
Cunt politicians, the DWP, jobcentre plus, ATOS, benefit cuts/reforms, Ian Dunked-in-Shit, the bedroom tax, workfare, sanctions, the need for food banks, the Trussell Trust, Tesco's hypocrisy and bare-faced cheek using their stores as collection points for the Trussell Trust whilst participating in the workfare scheme, prejudice and the increasing vilification of benefit "scroungers" by the government and in the media, that cunt landlord that was in the news the other week slagging off tennants on housing benefit
Living with my family, in a house that's permanently filthy and cluttered, not having anywhere to keep my things or any space to myself, feeling scrutinised every second to the point that I'm sleep-deprived because I've become physically incapable of doing the simplest thing while anyone is around
People on the internet. Mentioning no names but a couple of people have really fucked me off lately (no one who's likely to be reading this, before I worry anyone!)
Myself. Nothing major at the moment but being angry at myself is hardly new.
The state of humanity and the world in general. Don't even know where to start really, everything's just so utterly fucked.
The council, who still haven't fixed the bloody streetlight on my road where the local buses stop. Catching a bus should NOT involve standing in the middle of the road, in the dark, wearing hi-vis, hoping the bus will see you as they hurtle round the corner and stop in time.
An escort's ad that I just came across while googling for something completely unrelated (no, really!). "No texts, no blocked numbers, no black men, no..." wait, what?!?! I'm struggling to find the right words to express my disgust, tbh.