Originally from Tiffany -->
http://www.livejournal.com/users/msentropy/ 1. Pick a theme song that represents your life: NIN - the becoming
2. Do you talk to yourself? do split personalities count?
3. Describe your relationship with your co-workers: uhm... they probably think that I'm weird, and kind of an air-head at times. I like to joke around with them but I have to YELL at them a lot to get shit done. I'm their MGR by the way.
4. Have you ever done karaoke? No... wouldn't mind it. I would love to learn how to sing, but I'd only sing in public if I was REALLY drunk
5. Do you believe in love at first sight? I believe in lust at first sight.
6. What is your opinion on karma? It takes too damned long
7. If anything, do you think attitude makes any difference? of course, people need to calm the hell down and stop being so stuck up and macho acting.
8. How has luck/chance/facts-of-life/God/karma/nature treated you so far? Uhm... life could be a lot better, but then of course, life could be a lot worse.
9. What is your opinion of the concept of destinies? I need to get off my fucking ass and put my destiny into motion. Everybody has one, they just have to take the right path to approach it.
10. Are both bad and good things needed in order to truly live life? Of course. Let's say you get a psycho ex, such as myself. So then you learn what NOT to look for in a future partner, therefore making your relationships more succesful. I have yet to test this theory however.
11. Last time you smiled: The fake smile I gave one of our carryout customers
12. First time you can remember being proud of yourself: Uhm... oh yeah! Building these duplo blocks for my grandma... Just some stupid little thing, but I remember being proud that she liked them. Funny thing is that she died when I was 3.
13. Last time you lied: Uhm... I dunno. I try not to lie that much.
14. First time you felt true sadness: Uhm... oh yeah, my cousin kicking me on my 7th birthday. Over a stupid platic hammer. Can you believe it!
15. Last time you you made a tough decision: everyday I decide to not go beat the living shit out of my ex.
16. You're the opposite sex. Besides the obvious playing with the new parts, what would you do? become a lesbian and go out and have wild lesbian sex.
17. You're someone famous. Who and why? Gee... uhm... I'd say Trent Reznor, except I'd hate to be in his mind... I dunno! Somebody intelligent, innovative, and really down to earth.
18. You're the King (Queen) of the World (no, you're not James Cameron). What edict would you pass? Take away the economy. I know you're thinking... WTF... you'd have to have A LOT of regulations, but just look at Star Trek!
19. You're no longer in Kansas (or this world) anymore. Where are you? Star Trek, learning about the vast knowledge of the unknown world. That would just rule. (i'm a frikkin' nerd)
20. You have a clone standing next to you and it's going to work/school for you while you get to play hooky. What are you going to do today? Clean the frikkin' house. Horrible eh? But it needs it.