==> Zurahe: Be kind of a badass.

Sep 25, 2011 04:55

You've been pretty much doing that all your life- this is going to have to get a little more specific.

==> Zurahe: Be kind of a badass musically.

There we go, that you can handle- especially since the trip doesn't seem to have damaged your A.V.E.S. any. Thank god too, because you really do hate the way imps shriek when they attack en masse. Totally throws off your groove, and with The Righteous and The Wicked, a good rhythm's something that's a little more necessary than usual with all that chain flying through the air, getting wrapped around necks... if they happen to exist on whatever you're fighting, that is.

Complicated stuff, and you find yourself either humming or whistling along as you continue.

You're barely paying attention to your Echeladder as it starts to slowly climb upwards once again either- you're mostly focused on clearing out these imps and taking the grist to start building your cache up again. You've got a lot of things to re-alchemize and nowhere near enough grist to do it with. You're online as blackoutEtude of course, but anyone that pesters you is going to have a bit of a wait. Finding you in the flesh isn't hard though- it's not like the music and converging imps aren't a dead giveaway regardless. You suppose that as long as they're not about to get themselves killed, you don't mind if anyone wants to join in.

taja vasile [mori], @ land of iron and shrouds, lyndis nivali [callie], * action, zurahe cadens [sig], cody pellyn [mark]

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