[You are a six sweeps old teal-blooded troll named NOMSHU PENSYS, one of the original session trolls. You are on the LAND OF STORM AND GLASS, grumpily slithering and skidding across the platforms. Occasionally you fire arrows at the albatross consorts that mock you from the sky, but the wind snatches away any arrows before you can have delicious
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You are now the weird highblood, and your ears are rather sensitive. You clap your hands over them, wincing, and look up.
hi i guess
You squint upwards and also wave hesitantly.
You wave even more enthusiastically, barely managing to keep your perch.
whaAt-re you doing up t-here
but uh not like in a creepy outside your window way!
does t-haAt- chaAnge aAnyt-hing
well i guess i dont- haAve aA window right- now so
youre not- out-side of mine
shit- waAit-
do you haAve a window t-hough
becaAuse im out-side right- now
aAnd i dont- waAnt- t-o be aA st-aAlker
all the windows are broken so like its totally not stalking
its just uh creeping maybe!
but thats how you make friends right
so we are totally cool if you be my friend!!
and you dont like give kids lollipops or something
because it rots their teeth
oh uh
yeaAh id like t-o be friends
whaAt- aAre lollipops t-hough
lollipops are totally creepy!
but so delicious
aAnd t-aste like
super awesome blue!
aAlso caAn i come up t-here
my necks st-aArt-ing t-o hurt-
take the stairs inside!
ill wait for you
Majour: Ascend.
You ascend all but the last few steps quickly, and lean around hesitantly to see the strange alien who invited you up.
so you were saAying
aAbout- t-he blue
because its blue
youre not blue though you are totally grey!
does t-haAt- meaAn i dont- t-aAst-e good
Cassandra Ivatholl: Think about licking this stranger.
Thinking? You don't do silly things like that!
You lean over and attempt to lick the troll.
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