(no subject)

Sep 13, 2011 23:13

CURRENT aquaticCultivator [CAC] RIGHT NOW opened public transtimeline bulletin board Hello?.


CAC RIGHT NOW opened memo on board Hello?

CAC: Hello?
CAC: If ^nyone c^n re^d this, ple^se ^nswer.
CAC: I don't w^nt to be by myself.
CAC: Not ^fter everything th^t h^ppened.
CAC: I will be very upset if no one ^nswers me!
CAC: I'm not freezing ^nymore, ^nd I will not h^ve everyone else freezing ^s well.
CAC: Why ^ren't you ^nswering?
CAC: Did I get here by myself?
CAC: There ^re ^ lot of interesting things, ^t le^st.
CAC: I h^ve not seen ^nything like this before!
CAC: This l^nd is ^ lot different th^n ^nything th^t we h^d before.
CAC: The consorts ^re different, too.
CAC: ...
CAC: There is ^ lot of dust here.
CAC: I h^ven't seen this much dust in one pl^ce before.
CAC: It's still better th^n where I w^s.
CAC: Is ^nyone going to ^nswer?
CAC: I ^m going to be here in c^se someone w^nts to spe^k.
CAC: So if someone could s^y something soon, I would ^ppreci^te it.

drilla esthwa [debs], @ land of dust and memory, zurahe cadens [sig], astravi solmis [rikki], durrin mimosa [mixt], * memo, aunter grunni [mori], melia huazili [lavos], cate lancaster [lane]

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