Sep 02, 2011 09:10
CURRENT vigilantAegis [CVA] opened public transtimeline bulletin board Locations.
CVA RIGHT NOW opened memo on board Locations.
CVA: okay \\\e need to get organized spacially too not just \\\ith \\\ho can break reality
CVA: ordinarily i'd \\\ait for so///ebody else to do this but fuck that
CVA: \\\e need to figure out \\\here everybody is right no\\\.
CVA: current session players it \\\ould be great if you could tell us \\\hat lands \\\e're dealing \\\ith here in a useful and non-sarcastic ///anner cause i kno\\\ for sure i'/// not in locad any///ore.
CVA: this place is dark and there's \\\ater every\\\here, for one. \\\here is everybody else stuck?
agnira tinwar [hinoryu],
gildre serinn [majutsukai],
@ land of gloom and frogs,
lyndis nivali [callie],
morana erubes [lili],
volanz adarga [twitch],
* memo,
anisez helios [kaji],
nomshu pensys [rikki]