Durrin: Be the Space player.

Sep 02, 2011 15:00

CURRENT tympanalicDesign [CTD] opened public transtimeline bulletin board alrighty then.


CTD RIGHT NOW opened memo on board alrighty then.

CTD: okay mates, now that i'm done being motherfucking gobsmacked
CTD: at being dragged out of my own session?
CTD: g'day
CTD: so you guys need a space player
CTD: fair dinkum
CTD: i guess i can take a crack at it
CTD: seeing as we're pretty much up shit creek otherwise
CTD: what's a few thousand more frogs to chase down?
CTD: could use some help though
CTD: just don't be a dickhead and we'll get along fine
CTD: although
CTD: if i find that this caused any of my guys to cark it?
CTD: 'cause of some doomed timey-wimey business?
CTD: i may need to have some
CTD: w o r d s
CTD: with some of you
CTD: ...
CTD: of course, it'd help if there was some light to work with around here
CTD: and
CTD: sound
CTD: can't even hear any ribbits, and the little buggers are usually bloody loud
CTD: there's not even any wind
CTD: i mean there's only so much a guy can take
CTD: and everything's so
CTD: f l a t
CTD: i haven't even seen the forge yet
CTD: since the gate dumped me
CTD: in the middle of
CTD: bumfuck
CTD: n o w h e r e
CTD: i'm starting to wonder if this place ain't deasdfklj;
CTD ceased responding to memo.
FUTURE tympanalicDesign [FTD] 3 MINUTES FROM NOW responded to memo.
FTD: imps
FTD: guess that answers that question?
FTD: a n y w a y
FTD: if anyone else is here on this planet?
FTD: i'll meet you at the forge/hive
FTD: and just a tip
FTD: ya might want to keep the culling to a minimum
FTD: or it'll make things worse
FTD: ...
FTD: also
FTD: champ?
FTD: if you're there?
FTD: let me know?

gildre serinn [majutsukai], @ land of gloom and frogs, durrin mimosa [mixt], volanz adarga [twitch], ridian orinna [sig], * memo, anisez helios [kaji], nomshu pensys [rikki]

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