CURRENT chilledCircuitry [CCC] RIGHT NOW opened public transtimeline bulletin board welcome.
CCC RIGHT NOW opened memo on board welcome.
CCC: hi
CCC: so youve got some questions
CCC: better do one thing before we start
CCC has disabled replies from those other than original poster on board
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CAT: well fuck
CAT: let me be the first in what sounds like it will be a long fucking line
CAT: to thank you for hauling my nook here against my will to bail out some entitled losers i dont eVen know
CAT: since saVing your session is clearly so much more fucking important than whateVer hoofbeastshit i mightVe been doing
CAT: you haVe my deepest thanks from the Very bottom of my cardioVascular organ
CAT: i was just thinking to myself 'welp'
CAT: 'my world is destroyed'
CAT: 'my race is almost entirely obliterated'
CAT: 'theres these goddamn imps eVerywhere'
CAT: 'but i just dont feel im getting fucked oVer quite hard enough'
CAT: and then
CAT: like goddamn angels
CAT: you and whateVer thinkpan trusts are working with you descended from on high
CAT: holding a ramrod
CAT: and shoVed your shitty null session right up my nook
CAT: my gratitude is boundless
CAT: ugh i wish i could belieVe you were just trolling us all
CAT: but im already too accustomed to this hoofbeastshit
CAT: im not eVen bothering to question it anymore
CAT: but on a more serious note come the fuck on
CAT: its pretty fucking obVious what youVe done isnt it
CAT: it sounds like youVe dragged imps out of other sessions too
CAT: thats no more of a game glitch than you ripping me out of my session
CAT: more like an unsurprising side effect of your tremendously bad judgment
CAT: if i werent likely to haVe to deal with this shit too id find it fucking hilarious
CAT: irony thy name is karmic bitchslap
CCC: only players
CCC: then again
CCC: it should only grab space players
CCC: are you one?
CAT: as far as i fucking know im unique to my session as far as shitty useless powers go
CAT: im a dusk player
CAT: whateVer the fuck that means
CAT: can i just say how reassuring it is to hear that this program of yours is failing on multiple levels
CCC: im not actually sure
CCC: how thats possible
CCC: i think its not
CCC: oh well
CCC: youll get back eventually
CAT: i am so goddamn relieVed i dont know what to do with myself
CAT: i get to marathon sessions
CAT: one of which i haVe no personal stake in
CAT: and which is doing eVen more ridiculous unpredictable shit than sGrub apparently does by default as well as pulling in fuck knows how many more enemies than usual
CAT: still
CAT: on the bright side
CAT: i guess it cant hurt to haVe a session i dont giVe a flying fuck about
CAT: in which to warm up for the one that actually matters
CAT: so thanks for giVing me the opportunity to cut my fangs on yours
CCC: i think
CBA: the only irony iss that our purple blood~
CBA: hass the worsst ideas of uss all~
CBA: dont lissten to her 'we'~
CBA: thiss wass all her gloriouss programming~
CBA: but if you want to leave~
CBA: you can alwayss try dying and sseee where you end up~
CAT: but whateVer
CAT: anyway im just going to assume that suggestion was ironic
CAT: since otherwise you seem like youre trying to compete with her in the shithive maggots idea department
CBA: even if you are only lowly and beige~
CBA: ssuch a boring color~
CBA: you're lucky Tin-Tin iss in her lazy mood~
CBA: but then if she wassnt you wouldnt be here at all~
CAT: and how aesthetically pleasing it may or may not be to you
CAT: also please tell me thats not her real name
CAT: iVe got enough on my plate without working out the logistics on how to achieVe negatiVe leVels of respect for somebody
CBA: if you have any resspect for her~
CBA: then that iss a tragic and unfortunate misstake~
CBA: but i'll let you judge that for yoursself~
CBA: beige-blood~
CAT: oh hell no
CAT: that was already at zero
CAT: id just haVe had to figure out a way to drop it even further
CAT: like diViding by zero
CAT: itd end badly for eVeryone inVolVed
CAT: and stop talking about my blood already
CAT: do you hear me calling you 'fruitsnack tealblood'
CAT: no you dont
CAT: although i kinda like the idea now
CAT: maybe i should start
CBA: like this sssesssion wass nulled~
CBA: but go ahead and call me that~
CBA: i don't have any unressolved isssuess with my lovely sshade of teal~
CBA: why sso sserious~?
CBA: do you have a problem with beige~?
CAT: but no i dont haVe a problem with beige
CAT: although i usually call it cream if i haVe to call it anything
CAT: im more used to other people haVing a problem with it
CAT: highbloods for example
CAT: anyway i dont really giVe a shit about blood aside from it telling me who to aVoid
CAT: cause theyre probably bugfuck crazy
CAT: and people who pay too much fucking attention to it tend to fall into the 'aVoid' category
CAT: so you harping on it isnt exactly a good sign
CAT: means you think its important
CBA: there'ss no droness here~
CBA: only a ssad amount of new purple bloodss~
CBA: i wonder if tin-tin did that on purposse~?
CBA: but really, i don't have a problem with your colorsscheme~
CAT: being a lowblood can still be a problem
CAT: not that the lack of drones isnt nice
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