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Anything short of death is fair game I guess aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 03:46:35 UTC
The light only barely managed to pierce the dusty stratosphere of LODAM, but the scream was perfectly audible even here.


Yes, you definitely recognize it. This matter will likely require your attention shortly. You head back to your hive.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 03:50:40 UTC
In a quirk of unfortunate timing, you drop out of the gate to LODAM right as this troll, all but unrecognizable through the haze of fury, returns.

Not one to waste a good opportunity, you throw your harpoon, aimed right for the stomach.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 04:04:11 UTC
Taken by surprise, you attempt to redirect the harpoon with your telekinesis, but you are slightly too slow and it grazes your side anyway. You stagger slightly, and instinct takes over as you fling the weapon far out of reach and draw your daggers, PHOSPHORUS AND HESPERUS.

Then you realize whose harpoon you just got sliced by.



desirenhate October 30 2011, 04:09:12 UTC
There is no reply. You do not give even a faint glimmer of recognition of your friend.

You switch specibi, withdrawing a simply FLIPPY LIGHTER. Using your powers as the SAGE OF SOUL, you take the little flame from the lighter, and turn it into a good head-sized fireball to throw at this troll.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 04:19:53 UTC
Agnira, what are you


You're fairly certain there's nothing your telekinesis can do with a ball of fire. So you toss skyward the only thing in the immediate vicinity that there is to toss: yourself.

You expend just enough energy for the upward momentum, as you're not sure full-on flight is a wise choice at the moment. You clear the fireball and just barely manage to stick the landing, but wince in pain as it aggravates your fresh wound.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 04:21:42 UTC
That jump and wince give you all the time you need to close the distance. With your harpoon gone and in close quarters, there's only really one thing to do: Make a fist and try to punch it to death.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 04:47:05 UTC
You attempt to parry the first blow with your arm. It still hurts quite a bit, but you're just durable enough to halt it.

You contemplate pressing your momentary advantage, but you aren't sure if inflicting injuries on your friend will calm her down or enrage her further.

Nothing to be done about it, you decide. With a short burst of kinetic energy, you repulse your assailant out of melee range and hurl HESPERUS at her.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 04:49:23 UTC
You bring up your HARPOON, swinging it to knock the strange knife to the side and oh wait a minute.

You pull the dagger out of your shoulder, re-arming yourself, and becoming further enraged over the wound in your good stabbin' shoulder. You will get revenge for that, oh yes. You charge once more.

You aren't really the brightest when you're raging.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 05:21:46 UTC
Oops. Ordinarily you'd recall HESPERUS at range after throwing it, but you somehow didn't anticipate that the disarmed troll would grab for the conveniently orphaned weapon. Nice going, doofus!

You're not sure how many more kinetic bursts you have left in you at this rate-- you're not some two-brained mutant who can keep these psychic shenanigans up all day, after all.

You're not sure why you added the "two-brained" bit in there. You put the silly thought out of your head and attempt to use the few moments you have to formulate a plan. You do not want a close-range knife fight, and that's just what's shaping up to happen if you don't pull out another trump card.

But that's when you see yourself appear behind Agnira, GILDED IVORIES at your side.

Your future self uses the enraged troll's forward momentum to bowl her over with another kinetic burst.

Well. There's your trump card, you guess.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 05:26:43 UTC
You hate time shenanigans.

You are knocked straight to the ground and get a mouthful of dust. You are forced to spend the next round coughing and hacking because holy fuck ow.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 05:45:09 UTC
You make a grab for HESPERUS while your sessionmate is disoriented.

You then notice that your future self is armed only with PHOSPHORUS, like you were a moment ago. You roll your eyes and toss her the newly-recovered knife. Keeping the loops stable is such a pain sometimes.

She catches the knife as you move into position, disappearing off to the past with your GILDED IVORIES. Then a bunch of things happen that we've already seen.

Finally, your past self tosses you HESPERUS and disappears.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 05:49:55 UTC
You have cleared your lungs, which are taking such serious abuse in this post, and turn towards the enemy and rooh hey she vanished.

You take a moment, realize what happened, turn around, then roar violently at her, lowering your head and charging like a bull.

A bull with hook-shaped horns that can't really gore anything straight-on.

Ones attached to your skull that really will hurt your head if this works.

You are kind of stupid when you're in these rages.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 06:01:43 UTC

Yeah, no.

Your weapons retreat to your strife deck and you catch the bull I mean troll by her horns. Once again making use of her forward momentum, you pitch her over your head and toss her backwards.

Oh yeah, you still have that whole physical strength thing, huh. That might be useful.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 06:05:08 UTC
You slam into the ground, unsure of what just happened.


aurifextemporis October 30 2011, 06:14:43 UTC
You use a little more of your energy to pin her to the ground.

I;ll ask you this once
And I sincerely hope I will not need to ask it again

You cannot actually hold her there indefinitely, given what psychic stamina you have remaining. You are hoping she will not call your bluff.


desirenhate October 30 2011, 06:22:45 UTC
You are most certainly not done.

You struggle quite a bit, however, futilely wasting energy. Your own stamina has its limits as well, and running through the Lands trying to find people to murder has you not at full energy to start with.

However, you don't really understand what is being said. Just that you're being pressed to the ground by a force you can't see, and that is cheating, god damn it.


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