"sorry if i come across as inappropriate...
i'm not much for appropriate behavior...come from a long line of
inappropriate southern gentlemen...outlaws...not those crazy confederate
outlaws mind ya...not the kind that let anyone tell'em what ya can
drink, smoke...hell! even grow...
my great granpappy used to run moonshine back in the prohibition...
up to the big city...louisville before it was flooded...barely old enought
to drive...he'd race it down from the hills in his suped up model a...
and set it out on the porch of rich folks' houses...who'd eventually
pay the man he was deliverin' it for...just another outlaw in a long chain
that once crisscrossed these parts...
one time he told me about the feds lockin' up one of them distillery warehouses....
musta been barton's...somewhere near town...
so he and his gang crawled up under the floor and drilled right through
to the barrels...just drained'em and hustled it on out for themselves...
he always was proud that he never got caught...and always went in to visit
anyone who did...that religion of his always encouraged visiting the imprisoned...
ya don't see much of that nowadays...who can get in except the inmates...
musta rubbed off on me though...always heard stories from him...and spent most
of my days workin' his kinda work...
takin' care of this land...always hated it when i was a kid your age...
cuttin' grass, balin' hay...uprootin' old stumps and pullin' weeds...
as soon as i started learnin' how to grow plants...i started learnin'
what plants i wasn't allowed to grow...marijuana, mushrooms, jimson weed,
salvia, peyote-coffee, tobacco...
of course, i had to figure out what all the fuss was about...