I mean, yeah, that's really really melodramatic because it's been like a month or so. But hey, I like to make an entrance!
Um the basic excuse (or lack thereof) is that the rent was up on my old house, and I moved to this weird new place, no internet connection for ages...y'know, it was horrible to actually go have to get a life for like a month or whatever. Ahaha.
But yeah, I'm returning to skulk around livejournal some more, and I may even start contributing again..most of the writing I'd been doing with Interwebz down was actually all this FictionPress, Original Universe stuff. Something you create as opposed to fanfiction. Because, of course, without the Internet...no Heroes. So I had a marathon of them and caught up recently, and WHOA, I am sorry I didn't get the chance to do metas because they looked like OHSOMUCHWICKEDFUN. And yeah, the thing that stands out in memory is probably the fact that 1) Heroes is pretty, very very pretty, and 2) Sylar can now shapeshift...into a woman...I don't need to say more really. But I will because I never know when to shut up. Anyway, it reminds me of this awesome fic I read and I can remember liking, don't know who it was by, I'll find it in a sec, where Sylar turned into a woman and seduced Peter before killing him.
Ahhhh, it was "Prey" by the ever-amazing
rtwofan..of course! I still haven't figured out how to do that thing where you put a link but make the text NOT say the URL, so...here's the URL: http://
community.livejournal.com/astromechfic/20762.html Yeeeah...what else? Let's rant on about Heroes some more, since this IS my Heroes trash journal. Luke? this Luke/Sylar dynamic that's been going on! Yeeahh...that's not happening for me. I'm not feelin' it personally. Something you're a supporter of? Then tell me about it...convince me Sylar wants to bang MicroBoy instead of Little Miss Emo Bangs. In more eloquent terms, maybe.
Also, since I had seen like...NOTHING of Volume Four until the Great Fuller-Appreciation Rewatch of '09 (as I have promptly decided to call it)...Danko. Oooooh, creepy guy has a creepy. And he's all powerful and manipulative and sneaky and bad tempered and it makes me want to find some defining weakness just to prod at. The character (and even the actor) has kind of imprinted on my mind as one of those people you can't imagine doing certain things. Like. Um. Imagine Danko singing. Yeah? Now imagine him playing with a puppy. Yeaah...Now imagine him getting down on the dancefloor.
And Angela! Oh. Dear Lord. Numerous words come to mind: Fabulous, Flawless, Fox. Godamn. Her sitting there eating oysters and being all in control and powerful and calm and (hell yea, I'll say it) even sexy. It's probably not the weirdest person I've ever looked at and gone huh, that's oddly attractive. And when she was with Peter in the elevator? I swear to God I didn't recognise him. The doors opened and she was standing there with her hand on this random man's chest and I was like "WHERE DID SHE GET THAT HOT BOYTOY- oh shiiiit." And to end the little Angela-obsession she was all LeatherJacket!Demanding!Ordering!Spade! and I was all "....mmmmm. that's hot."
So what else? Nathan is being a manwhore one second then grudgingly ok the next. Peter is being suprisingly useful this series, even using the patened Petrelli Bad Touch Hug to his advantage, for once. Also emobangs. !!!!! EMOBANGS AHHH FLAIL. Right, that's out the way. Claire randomly got a fringe. And is also being useful! The Alex thing made me pull this face:
Uh, uh, what else? AHH, T3H B3NN3TS!
All this subtext is making it seem like the writers suddenly started shipping Noah/Angela to me, for some reason. But SANDRAAAAAAA! It's hard to believe the same women who made out with a dog is now such an awesome and loved character to me. But she's so kickass...I don't want them to get a divorce. (And what ABOUT that? That made me laugh so much when Sylar was pretending to be Sandra...because once he changed back, I was just like ZACH ZACH ZACH IS WALKING AROUND IN WOMEN'S CLOTHES OH DEAR LOL. Which actually brings up some interesting thoughts about this whole "shapeshift" deal. I mean, there's no way clothes that would fit Ashley would fit Zach. He's like, 6' 4". So the clothes shift too? And it sort of sucks he needs to touch people to use it. Reminds me of Petey's power. Which reminds me in turn...: NEEDS MOAR PETLAR.)
Uuum Hiro and Ando. Not sure how I feel about the baby. It's like Ando II. Jumps powers in a slightly different manner. BUT, it was worth introducing the whole storyline for Grunny's expression when he saw that baby. I mean. That went right to my (apparently still there among the cynism) heart. Seriously.
Micah is Rebel (MAN THAT WASNT OBVIOUS HERRRPP DERRRPP) Tracy is..dead(?) which is okay, because I want Ali Larter to do something different and it's going to be all Season One again because Brian Fuller is like "you weren't here...GET OUT."
Also Daphne is dead, LOL. Eh. She had the potential to be borderline cute, then the Matt thing happened and I was like YOU BE TAKING MOMO'S PROPERTY and it was not cool >:|. They just didn't have any chemistry, which suprised me, because everyone knows Grunny is God. I mean, I LOVE Grunny. In fact here is a picture of Grunny being awesome just because I can.
Yeah, I have mad Heroes Folder Skills in an OCD manner of organisation, so I figured why not.
And speaking of Heroes pictures, I recently downloaded all these photo programmes, and now I can make very basic teh pretty, like so:
Yeah, well, everything is becoming amusing to me at this stage so I think I might go ahead and go to sleep.