The sun never sets on the British Empire? Well the sun never sets on my asshole.

Feb 16, 2009 13:18

Heylo, squids.

I'm baking cupcakes but otherwise being useful on this (yay) day off. The pleasures of working at a bank, suckers. =) Speaking of being useful, I've spent a lot of time feeling stagnant lately. I honestly can't tell you the last time I remember writing anything, except for the occaisional whiny blog because I've had a bad day. Remember that time in my life when I was SO convinced I would become a famous writer and NOT work a day job? As it turns out, I can't tell a story to save my life. I don't even know what I'd write about. I've become convinced my ambitions were delusional. I am, in fact, a no-talent hack who will never produce anything worth publishing let alone have it published. F.

Ordinarily I'd have tears coursing down my cheeks while admitting that, but currently I am sane enough to realize it's not the end of the world to mull about in mediocrity until I die like almost everyone else. Not everyone can be famous, si? It's highly ikely that I didn't even spell "occasional" or "mediocrity" correcntly.

Nonetheless, I figured I'd update because...I'm not doing much of anything else today. That, and there's always a little pleasure in people telling you it's nice to hear that you're alive still.

On a totally unrelated note, I have a two-day-running craving for french fries that will just NOT fuck off. I am addicted to food and I can't freaking quit. I swear, crackheads have it easy. At least they have the option of quitting. I need to find a way to become addicted to exercise.
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