Mar 08, 2010 02:48
So Sarah's sister's husband is a FOX-news watching 'murrikun, to the point where the only book on his desk is Going Rogue. Since we're House/Cat sitting for them while they're out in CA I figured I'd read it. Might as well challenge my preconceptions, what?
Since it's not my book I've refrained from throwing it across the room. I've also tried to avoid getting it wet as I froth at the mouth trying to resist the stupid.
I'll avoid a long winded (if perhaps stress relieving) diatribe and say this:
Dear Mrs Palin, as both Jefferson and Reagan are dead, your attempts to fellate them via prose (or otherwise) are rather futile. Also get better editors, it's too obvious where the ghostwriters contributed since the words get bigger. Die in a fire. Signed, Me.