thoughts from a train ride

May 26, 2006 21:43

i want to fly
into the sky
turn my back on this old world
leave it all behind
this place is not my home
it's got nothing for me
only leaves me with emptiness
and tears in my eyes ...

i don't want to fall away from You
but gravity is pullin me on down

is this merely a tunnel?
you get to the point in the darkness
that you don't remember it any other way
you don't know when you went in
you no longer have any thought of getting out
the throbbing pressure has turned you numb
your eyes have learned not to search for sight

then at some moment
a ray of light pierces into your surroundings
brilliantly, agonizingly
blinding you in a whole new manner
the throbbing turns to excruciating pain
 - a pain which extracts your inability to feel
eventually, ever so slowly, the world becomes lit again
you feel lit within you a brightness you marvel at how you could live without

yet still you wonder
 - will another tunnel come?

i went to Dachau today, the first Nazi concentration camp. i have no idea what one might be "supposed" to feel or think at such a place, but all i could manage was an intense, pressing disgust at the depravity of humanity.

what ever gave one man the notion to exert himself over another?
why have these horrors not yet ended?


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