(no subject)

Nov 15, 2007 00:21

had another biochem midterm. another feeling of utter defeat as i left the class. however, it made me feel better to see students clustered around the professor stating his test was unfair. it made it hurt less to hear one student tell me that the sunshine made the disappointment affect him less. i guess i'm saying i feel better i'm not alone. but, the class has killed my spirit. or at least caused my spirit to leave the life of academics for something more rewarding elsewhere, and i think my mind may follow it. (too bad i have another test friday)

in better news, my class this winter may be cancelled if more people don't sign up for it (first pass got 3 students signed up for it). which means...that i'm once again in jeopardy of not getting my major. but this time it's not concern i'm feeling as much as amusement.

let's see...more excitement. i've decided to take to my list of things to do before i die and add to it. =) can't wait to see what fun adventures i should do next. let that consume my mind and time for a while instead of catalytic equations that will do little to serve me in the future since i don't intend to become a biochemist synthesizing proteins. hiss.

in better news, i've come to realize this is probably gonna be the last sad post you see from me for a while. from here on out i'm enjoying the rest of my quarter since most of the tough busy work is out of the way. YAY!!! screw finals!
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