Writing Meme

Mar 17, 2009 09:27

I saw this and just had to do it. Yay.

What's the last thing you wrote?
The last thing I wrote was, in terms of a story, the first chapter of my multishot, "Mirrors". Last thing published was the 7th chapter of "Birth of a King". And the ACTUAL last thing I wrote was the dialogue for the Pokemon doujinshi I'm drawing/writing, "Adaptability".

Was it any good?
Yes on all accounts, I think. "Adaptability" is still a work in progress, since I'm writing it in English and Japanese.

What's the first thing you ever wrote that you still have?
Oh... um... In 5th grade, I wrote a story about a dog who, with the Portland Blazers, stopped a team of evil basketball players. It was a prompt writing session. >.>

Write poetry?
Yes. Not recently-ish, but normally, it's haiku. I like haiku. ^-^

Most fun character you ever wrote for?
Hnnn.... I usually have fun writing for Bakura Ryou. In terms of humour, though, I'm pretty fond of all three Bakurae. So many lovely possibilities... ^~^ Oh, and there was writing out Bastet for my original novel. But Toka and Kari ("Adaptability") are really fun to write. Especially Toka.

Most annoying character you ever wrote for?
Annoying characters? Hmm... Well, Malik/Marik usually drive me nuts. Just because it's way too hard for me to write them out. It hurts everytime, and I'm still using Malik in "Birth of a King". TT__TT

Best plot you ever wrote?
Ooh. The plot for "Birth of a King" is pretty nice, since I wrote out pretty much the whole plot after I started it. "Mirrors" is eerie-and-nice, but so far? The plotline for "Angels". I had a ton of fun writing a genuinely sad story. Never written like that before.

Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
Ooh. This is hard, because, while I have some EXCELLENT plot twists in "Birth of a King" and "Mirrors", those aren't out yet, and I can't reveal them yet without some serious spoilers (and the first chapter of "Mirrors" isn't out yet, but that's a minor fact). I liked having Ryou suddenly go mad and die of hypothermia in "Angels", but my favorite? How Bakura suddenly lets Ryou go and acts all cold in "Broken". That was great.

How often do you get writer's block?
Often enough. I just can't write something that I like, and end up fixing it a dozen times in my head or on the screen. Mostly it's time, though.

How do you fix it?
I find time, listen to music, and read. A lot.

Do you type or write by hand?
Type. My handwriting's a mess sometimes, and pencils are for drawing, usually, with me.

Do you save everything you write?
Heck yes. I need it to go back and go, "ZOMFG I WROTE WUT?!" every so often.

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
Not always. Usually, though.

What's your favorite thing that you've written?
Ooh. Umm... Well, that's hard. I've been having a fun time writing a lot of my stuff (ie, if it's not fun to write, I don't write it), but right now, I'd have to say "Mirrors", even though it's being a beesh and not coming out properly. It's still fun. Published, though, "Angels". That came out SO well.

What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?
Hmm... I think it was "Birth of a King". That seems to be pretty popular right now...

Do you ever show people your work?
HELL. YES. It's on FFN, for goodness' sakes. My original stuff, eh... my best friend gets to see it, and that's about it right now.

Who's your favorite constructive critic?
Nuit Songeur. She's pretty darned good at that.

Did you ever write a novel?
No... but I've been trying to for a while (ie a few years). I just get sidetracked.

Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?
Yeah. Pretty much everything I write is fantasy.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?
Yeah. "Birth of a King" is definitely teen angsty drama, as is most of what I've written. And "Angels" was just PURE angst. I think.

What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
Hmm... Actual romance, because I'm just so iffy on it. I mean, come on. I'm not going to write that because it comes out all cheesy!
Oh, and probably horror, just because I'm so "meeehhh...." on gore and stuff. I fall asleep in most horror films, actually.

How many writing projects are you working on right now?
Let's see.... I've got:
-Birth of a King
-my original fic
-a song fic

That's six right now. Good thing I'm too nervous to write anymore than that!

Do you want to write for a living?
Sort of. As a side-job, but probably not full time. Unless translating games counts as writing.

Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
Actually, I have. I wrote for my college paper (and staffed as copy editor) for an entire quarter last year. It was nice.

Have you ever won an award for your writing?
No... not that I'm aware of, at least.

Ever written something in script or play format?
Almost all of my projects for Freshman English were parody-scripts of the books we'd read, actually, so I guess that's a yes.

What is your favorite word/phrase?
-Chatspeak: "WFT?" [I made that up, actually, after I mistyped WTF and refused to change it]
-Humor: "When I am Fuhrer..." [because it is just so great, especially when finished with "all female officers will be required to wear TINY MINISKIRTS!"]
-normally: "_____ is a lie."

Do you ever write based on yourself?
Yeah. A lot of my original main characters are based on an aspect of myself, actually. When I write fanfic, I tend to pull a lot of what my characters are feeling from myself as well. If I can't feel what they're feeling, odds are, I shouldn't be writing it.

Which of your characters most resembles you?
Well, in fanfic, I usually let Ryou Bakura resemble me a lot. I just shove a ton of myself into his character, and remember to not let it get in the way of his pre-set character.
In original fiction, I'd say that Elli, or whatever I'm going to name her, is a lot like me. I just have to write that damn story.

Where do you get ideas for your characters?
From what I read, watch, and just imagine. Oh,and art. "Mirrors"? Totally inspired by a picture I saw on DeviantART one day. But the storyline itself is MINE.

Do you ever write based on your dreams?
Mmm.... no. I actually can't remember most of my dreams.

Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
I like happy endings when they aren't cliched. Same for sad endings. Cliff-hangers are wonderful, since they really make me want to either keep reading OR write an ending for it. Always nice.

Have you ever written anything based on an artwork you've seen?
-points to comment about "Mirrors"-
Plus, I usually think up a storyline or scene, and then sketch it out. It helps me out a lot.

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
HELL YES. I actually freak out over misplaced letters and punctuation. It hurts me when I mess up.

Ever write something entirely in chatspeak?
Not when I wasn't making a joke pointed specifically AT those people, no.

Does music help you write?
Oh yeah. Actually, right now, I'm listening to music while I write this. It's very nice, and lets me focus while giving me more ideas to pull from.

Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?
No. Although my siblings have said that, if I love writing well so much, why do I constantly play havoc with grammar when I speak? The answer is that I like to joke about it. But, yeah. I read a lot, so it doesn't surprise most people. It might surprise some, but they've never shown it.

Quote something you've written:
Ooh. Um... Lemme pull it out....
From "Angels":

The water. It touches my feet, soaking through my tennis shoes and freezing my toes. I don't move away. I hadn't realized I'd been here so long. I turn my attention back to the tree floating in the water.

And then I laugh. I laugh, long and hard, and take off my sweatshirt, then my t-shirt, my pants, and, last of all, my shoes. I wade out into the water, colder than ice. I'm frozen through in a matter of seconds. I keep wading, until the rocky ground drops and the water is deep enough for me to swim through. I laugh again, not knowing what I'm doing at first. We used to dare each other to do this, I remember now. Who could go the deepest in the water before something froze off? Normally, I lost, only getting a few inches in.

Baku and Akefia, though. They went out past the dock, then, after a minute or so, would come racing in, teeth chattering while I laughed and handed them the coffee we'd brought. Or was it hot chocolate? I've forgotten.

But today. Today, I'll beat them. I'll go out, way past the dock, to the middle of the water, where they'd never gotten to. I laugh again, resting my arms for a moment on the tree and feeling a sudden gust of wind transform them into icicles.

Good. I'll need icicles, if I'm to beat their record. I laugh, and I paddle onwards, swimming where every adult I've ever known has told me not to, in a season where only the insane would do this, the insane or the trained.

I was neither.
And, yes, I enjoyed writing that. It was the most amazing bit of first person I've ever done.

memes, fanfiction, writing

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