The Art of Getting a Date [Niou, Marui, Yanagi, Kirihara; PG]

Oct 19, 2008 23:44

Title: The Art of Getting a Date
Author: doumeki
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Characters: Niou, Marui, Yanagi, Kirihara
Wordcount: 253
Author's Notes: Written for whisper132, because she deserves lots of happy right now. ♥
Disclaimer: Konomi Takeshi owns the boys. I just play with them on occassion.

This wasn't how it was supposed to go, Niou thought. Marui was supposed to fall at his feet, begging for a chance to go on date with him - not roll his eyes and walk away.

The bastard even shook his ass, too.

“You are going about it the wrong way, Niou-kun,” Yanagi said.

Shit. “When did you get here?”

Yanagi smirked. “I saw the entire thing. And, I reiterate, you’re doing it wrong.”

Niou scoffed. “I didn’t do anything wrong. The bastard is just playing hard to get.” Because that’s what it was. After all, everyone wanted a piece of Niou, right?


“You’re approach was, I believe, what determined your downfall,” Yanagi continued, ignoring him. “Telling him that you’ll be going out after practice, rather than letting him think it was his idea, was the wrong approach.”

“Then what is the right approach?”

Yanagi smiled and led Niou towards the courts, where the brat was bouncing in front of Marui.

“What do you wanna do after practice, sempai?” Kirihira was asking.

“I don’t know. You got money, Akaya?”

Kirihara nodded.

“Then let’s get ice-cream. You’re treat,” Marui added, before blowing a bubble.

“That,” Yanagi told him, “is how you get Marui to go on a date.”

Niou glared.

After practice, Niou smiled. “Oi, Yagyuu. Wanna go to the arcade and play some games? My treat.”

Yagyuu looked at him skeptically, but agreed.

As they were walking out the door, Niou could Kirihara yelling about someone stealing all of his money.

Niou smiled.

author: sherri, fandom: prince of tennis

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