Title: Checkmate
chaineddove Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Pairing: Hikaru/Akira
Wordcount: 367
Disclaimer: I'm just borrowing them to play.
Author’s Notes: Shindou decides he and Touya need to have fun together. Written for
etrangere for guessing the pairing on my
OTP meme. The prompt was "chess."
It is part of Shindou’s plan for them to branch out and do things other than Go - which really translates to a plan to make Akira as miserable as possible... )
Comments 15
“It’s great,” Kiyoharu says, still dumbfounded. He tries to imagine Ko watching bad horror films and can’t quite wrap his mind around it, except here they are.
“Exactly,” Ko says.
“I throw popcorn at the screen every time some idiot dies,” Kiyoharu warns him.Made me laugh so much. TERRIBLE = GREAT; THEY OBVIOUSLY UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH OF HORROR FILMS. I approve ♥ (Also I would NOT have minded if you'd gone a couple thousand words over the word limit, you know :P ( ... )
I always knew they bonded over this; I've just never put it into words before XD They would totally laugh uproariously at it.
Oh God, make the mental image of them watching Twilight go away, plz.
That said, I also suck at bowling. Actually, with the exception of the singing and the video games, Touya's ineptitude is kind of... written from personal experience, ahahaha. I am so lame at sports. Sherri mocks me all the time.
Or you could write about them watching Twilight. "Let's get out of here, shall we?" "What are you implying, you Korean bastard, PREMARITAL UNDERPANTS ARE NOT OKAY!" XDD This mental image amuses me greatly.
This late in the game, I probably shouldn't be at all surprised we have even that in common. I don't know whether to be spooked or amused. XD
LOL bad horror films rock. I wanna see "My Bloody Valentine" when it opens in Tokyo on the 14th.
Bad horror films are utterly hilarious. It's been our headcanon for years that these two bond over bad bloody movies - I've kind of known this about them since before Brief & Abridged, but this was the first time I've had an opportunity to write it ^_^.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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