Nothing In Particular

Sep 12, 2006 23:54

Nothing much to say, nothing important or earth shattering. Guess that's a good thing right? ha!  Anyway, I think I wrote this in my myspace blog, but between LJ & myspace it's getting more difficult to keep up with getting to know people on their and forming friendships, and then i guess it would be difficult if you've got a ridiculous number of people on your friend's list hahaha.....I didn't realize it, I just thought, oh this person sounds cool, oh this one has fm and seems interesting, oh this one likes some stuff i like, oh this...etc etc  and before I knew it...people were feeling personally upset with me for not commenting and regularly sending them messages, and I crashed and felt bad cause normally I try to answer people's messages, emails, etc.   It may not be right away, however I do at some point respond, or if  I do not, it means i'm as sick as a dog.

It feels so much more simpler I guess doing LJ.....maybe because with myspace, your page is also about decor and graphics and looking pretty or cool, adding music, or vids, etc... i dunno....and another thing that is really funny, you get friends requests and then you never hear from them again but their on your friends list and your on theirs lol........but i know i've been guilty of not keeping contact either, but definitely not purposely.  The groups I feel bad about the most, cause I really wanted to know two people in particular a lot better and felt we had things in common, but I think since I do not post regularly like everyone else...they feel i don't want to be bothered.  I understand that.   Only so many groups I can read n keep up with though hehe...were all only human right?   Whether we are working, non working people, we still have lives,responsibilities,and basic tasks, etc we have to do that requires, well time.....and the online world has to take a  back seat at times.  Reality, real world.

Ah, but it's a cool escape sometimes to go in the playworld of internet..more like a mental escape.

Okay whoa.........i'm typing way to much about this LOL, sorry didn't mean to go rambling on so long hahah.

Okay, so my fm friend from Georgia talked me into this trip she invited me to.  Well she's inviting me to come and stay with her to visit.  I was going to cancel and not do the trip or "getaway" I guess you could call it, or the "stress debugger trip", however she just pointed out and reminded me how important it would be for me to get some time away from the inside of my place and the city.  My plan is to stay two weeks, however she spontaneously planned to go to cleveland on the day I was going to go back home, and she had already planned to take me along.   So............sigh........I am gonna have to talk to her about it.  As much as I don't wanna hurry to come home, two of my docs that are the "good" ones I DO need to see for follow up on important stuff, and my cat alone at my apt....i dunno, hard not to wonder about him.  I'm sure my mom will come by off and on and visit with him like she's done in the past and make sure he's fed......but.....oh, well, maybe i'm just acting like a nervous mom or something hehe......wish to god I could bring him.  My georgia friend has a cat too, so my cat would totally have some company, or another cat to be anti-social with hehe.

Well, I have until next THURSday to get all my stuff & arrangements in order.

I was gonna send my sister in New Orleans a note since she has no phone on to contact her on and tell her I'll be in Georgia, in case she would.........I dunno, actually wanna maybe see me, however I doubt she'd make the effort to drive there just to see me.   It's fine though, well deep down i'm not fine with it, as I'd really love to see my 3 neices and my sister....oh well.

I'm going to have to get new ihss person to help me, work on my new financial monthly sheet I'm to work on for monthly expenses, both NECESSARY & just for fun stuff.   It sucks to do financial stuff like this, it makes ya kind of crabby or irritated, but the only person I can be irritated with is myself for putting me in this situation.   I'm not gonna beat up myself though about it.

Fibro pain isn't good.  Fatigue is in the middle, and the sleepless situation is still going strong, and kenelog/prednisolone backlash is still making my body & hormones FLIp out, but I'm here.   I'm here.

I'll also be taking a breaky break from LJ & myspace, even if i wasn't going on a trip.  I don't have any words or thoughts to express these days....but I'm not permanently leaving the blog world.

Everyone ....."BE A GREAT DAY!"


daily entries, georgia trip, myspace

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