But Breaking Dawn spoilers behind the cut :).
First of all, let me say that I did enjoy the book. I couldn't put it down. Stephanie Meyer truly casts a spell in her writing.
Last night, I went to Books A Million for the release. It was kinda lame. I couple of the questions did stump me, but other than that, it was kinda meh :P. No one dressed up or anything. I was one of the first in line, and I got one of the boxes (yes, lame I know :P). You could hear an audible gasp when they wheeled out the books. It was kind of epic :P.
The wedding: EXACTLY how I pictured it. Alice went overboard, as always. Which I loved. Not much else to say. Jacob showing up and being (sorta) mature was a nice change.
Isle Esme: AW!!!!! CUTENESS!!! :P. I loved the morning after the "bow chicka wow wow" moment. With the feathers... hehe. Poor Edward, though... he's such a pessimist. A caring, protective, pessimist.
Renesmee: So here I was, reading along. Saying "aw..." and being breathless at the appropriate times. And then this little nudger comes along. I throw all my theories out of the window. I knew there would be some complication, but never did I picture Bella getting preggers. I mean, I never thought it was possible. I always assumed that along with Edward's heartbeat, his little Edward Jrs went too. But alas, it happened. At first, I was outraged, actually. It felt very fanfiction-y to knock Bella up. But I warmed up to the prospect in the 3rd book.
I also think her power is just as epic as her name. Renesmee Carlie has a nice ring to it :).
But the whole "only 7 years of growth, and the immortal forever and ever" is a little far fetched. Almost as far fetched as as a human getting a bun in the oven from 108 year old vampire, but lets not get into that.
Book Two: I'm about to say something shocking here... I like Jacob now. I know! I was surprised too! But I felt that I could understand him a little better, and he really grew up and realized that he needed to get over Bella. And I was honest blindsighted by him imprinting on Renesmee. It seems that he has one-upped Quil in the strange imprinting department.
And I really warmed up to Leah too. I love her character, and I would love it if Steph wrote a book from her perspective.
Jacob and Rosalie's constant bickering was pure genius XD.
Bella got changed!: Edward shooting the venom into Bella's heart was kind of brilliant. The pages of Bella's pain were great (well, not great that she was suffering, but you know :P). I loved when she woke up, and the first words she said were "I love you". My heart was basically putty at that moment.
I remember constantly reading theories about Bella's self control around blood, and how people were convinced that she would hate it. I knew that wouldn't be the case, but I had a feeling that Bella would be able to resist. So I was happy about that. The scene of Bella and Edward running/hunting was one of my favorites. But, of course they're first night in the cottage was simply beautiful.
Emmett and his sex jokes were priceless. And I lol'ed during the arm wrestling XD.
Charlie: Now this part I was kinda iffy about. I mean, clearly Jacob had been taking stupid pills to go and tell Charlie. And I thought Charlie took it a little too well, ya know? At least there wasn't a cheesy scene with Charlie on a couch, and everyone sitting around explaining every single thing, and Bella and Charlie sharing some lame emotional hug.
The Vampire orgy at the end: Seriously? That's it? No epic battle? No deaths? Not that I wanted people to die, but that's good drama! The ending was too easy for me. And I wanted the Volturi to get an ass whoopin'. Oh well. Can't win 'em all.
Overall, Stephanie ended it well. We got the closure we wanted, even if it was a bit sugar coated. The final scene got me a little choked up.