Feb 03, 2006 10:53
OK so I am sitting here at work and well I really should be stuffing letters I decided to take a minute adn do this blog. So its been a little bit since i have taken any time and actually did this so maybe it is time!
I was just on the Judson website and I was looking at the class acts and well can I just say I feel like crap! I have been thinking here lately that maybe I really am not smart and that I am not sure what I am suppossed to do in my life. Then, for some unknown reason I felt like looking at that dang page. Yeah I dont think it really helped me out any. I see how everybody else is going on in life...marriages, babies..jobs...higher degrees and all their acomplishments and well I mean I realy dont have anything to show! I am sitting at another University taking undergrad courses once again and working on anoter degree...ok maybe some people think that 2 degrees and 3 majors is a lot for a 23 year old but ya know I dont think it is. I just dont know what I have to offer to anyone or really anything. I guess you could say that I am having a pitty party but maybe sometimes I just need to get things out! I just see all my friends doing bigger and better things and I guess its really gotten my down here lately! I mean I really am happy for everyone but I guess I would just like it to happen to me!
Josh is great and I am so excited that in 13 days I will finally get to see him again! I am going to Texas on the 16th and I will get to spend about 2 or 3 days with him then he is off to Tech School and I am unsure where that is right now! Its been kinda tough with him not being here but I know that in the end it will all be worth it! I have truely found my other half! I go and visit with his family about once a week or so. Spend about 4 hours down there just chatting and all. Its nice. His sister emails me all the time so I am really very lucky to hvae found a family this warm and inviting!
School is going ok I guess....still unsure how a couple of my classes are going to go but I am pushing for a 3.0 or higher this term. To be honest I really have to have that b/c of my fall semester.
Work is well work! Its not that bad it keeps me busy and all. I have been working a lot more this semster than last semester which is good b/c I definatly need the money for trips and all.
Phi Mu, well I really love it and all but I am unsure where I fit with this right now. I think I am pulling myself back out of it but I am not really meaning to! I dont know!
Personal....yeah I dont really think that it has anything to do with me....but somethings right now have pushed me to some limits and well I cant talk about them b/c it would hurt people and I dont wanna do that...kinda sucks that a journal is used for your thoughts and feelings to be able to escape to but yet you cant always put things on it
So I guess that I have griped alot on here today! I really was not meaning to but I guess I just kinda needed to get somethings out of me and this seemed to be one of the best ways to do things. O well thanks for all you guys who read this and came to the pitty party by reading it! Well back to work I go.
Luv You all