May 12, 2004 00:03
So yeah to update on the spear and jason suprise, they told me I was suposed to go to sleep and leave the door unlocked. I left the door unlocked but I don't trust them so I stayed up and they came in like they said they would but I was awake I foiled their plan I guess. So we watched super troopers and jason fell asleep hugging my stuffed animal so they decided to spend the night in my bed with me it was funny but awkward very awkward and I only got maybe an hour of sleep the whole night if that. It's wierd hanging out with Spear cause he's weird acting sometimes like he still likes me and its uncomfortable I hate it. I dont ever hangout with him alone noway not that there's anything wrong with him but who knows if he would try something even tho he has a gf and he knows I have a bf. I would never date that kid again noway he's fine as a friend but never anything more especially since I have an awesome bf who I would never trade for spear. Well I will close now.