III { audio } ... If I could turn around, I would tonight.

May 21, 2010 22:38

[ The heavy sound of flames licking solid mass is evident even before he's taken a breath. He pauses, watching a few Dragladour bodies burning. A mildly dispassionate stare, electric blue orbs carefully trained upon the gruesome sight but not quite seeing it. With this new, uncharacteristic silence stretching into what seems like an eternity, it's obvious that his mind is elsewhere - in another world, another time. ]

...My friend, do you fly away now?
To a world that abhors you and I?

[ His childhood friend's name is on the very tip of his tongue, ready to be uttered, but then - ]

Well now...

[ There's a subtle flicker, something familiar and dangerous stirring beneath that tranquil surface triggered by an unknown presence. He casually tilts his head a fraction to the side as though he's awaiting some unspoken, secret response... ]

Seek me out, did you?

[ Those plush, famously cruel lips soften into something akin to a smile. And almost as an afterthought, he quietly adds... ]

Unwelcome as though you are, you're certainly not...undesired.

† sephiroth, † abrianna rozhestvensky, † genesis rhapsodos, † rinoa heartilly

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