[ Voice ]

Apr 06, 2010 19:37

Hey, Axel. You mind if I hook up with you for a little visit?

And how's my Nill-baby doing? Need anymore repairs or company?

[Rather personal comments on a public broadcast - but hey, he cares nothing.]

† sebast, † xigbar, , , † nill, axel

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[ voice ] flurryflame April 7 2010, 02:05:36 UTC
Xigbar! Hell yes, I'm bored.


[ voice ] bulletspace April 7 2010, 03:24:49 UTC
Well, can't have that, can we, kid? You at your apartment?


[ voice ] flurryflame April 7 2010, 04:28:09 UTC
No, absolutely not. [ He's pathetic, he's got a pout.. oh.. somebody entertain him. ] And yes, I'm there..


[ voice ] -> [ action ] bulletspace April 7 2010, 05:05:34 UTC
Isn't that convenient.

[There is a shuffle and thud, signifying the shutting of a door. Within moments, Xigbar has emerged from his own apartment and has arrived at the other. This time he gives a normal, rapid succession of knocks.]

Hey, I'm here.


[ action ] flurryflame April 7 2010, 05:29:47 UTC
[ Axel kicks up and moves to the door, his brow lifting as he clears his throat. ]

I want pizza, tell me you brought me some pizza. You are the delivery boy, aren't you?

[ After a moment of waiting he turns that frown into a thinned out.. line, not a smile. He was serious about that pizza. He slides the door open and sees Xigbar, without the pizza box. ]

... No tip. [ Steps aside to let the other man in. ]


[ action ] bulletspace April 7 2010, 14:06:43 UTC
[Xigbar gives a bemused grunt and brushes past.]

As if; haven't delivered to anything in a while. [Except maybe a few laser bullets, but that's been, still, a while.] Surprised you're still so skinny if you eat that junk, anyways.

Seriously, Flamesilocks. Came to talk to you about something - ask you something, rather. You have it in you to forget the round discs of cheese and sauce?


[ action ] flurryflame April 8 2010, 04:16:08 UTC
[ This was, some what, alarming. So Axel decided to just shut the door and step to the side of it, his back to the wall. If anything, he could just high-tail it out of the apartment.

Talk about something - ask something!? Damn. ]

Oookay, so.. what's up?


[ action ] bulletspace April 8 2010, 04:59:37 UTC
Sure wouldn't be the sun in this hellhole.

[Xigbar, arms folded, is staring at the impoverished furnishings, face suddenly having contorted into a humorless scowl.]

Don't know if you've noticed, but there's a couple of kids who are somewhat familiar. There's been a lot of buzz about this stuff beyond the wall, too. You happen to be in on that?

[He shifts and his eye pins on Axel, his face holding some expression of, 'Now, don't you lie to me, or I'll have to whoop you good, sonny.' Evidently, this was important to Xigbar.]


[ action ] flurryflame April 8 2010, 06:40:05 UTC
[ He waves his hand, there's a bored dullness to his expression. ] No.. [ That wave was to dismiss the idea, and it dropped to his side. ] I don't care what's out there.. figured that if I don't even care what's inside the city, why would I care what's outside?

I'm biding my time for something to come along that I do actually.. care about.

[ Walks from the door and across the bare, and still dusty, floor of his room. His arms crossed and eyes down, staring out the window. ]

I ain't itching to die again.. so quickly.


[ action ] bulletspace April 8 2010, 16:11:05 UTC

[He has little to say to that, at first. It is several minutes before he speaks again; that gives him enough time to digest what was said, and to think how to word how he wants to respond.]

You - we have to live here for now. If there's nothing in here, then there's probably something outside, you dig?

[Xigbar sighs heavily and braces himself for what he is about to say. He could make a break for it easily - but his intention was not to provoke the redhead and then run for his life.]

Tell me something, kid - Axel. What do you care about so much that you're waiting to come to you in this wrecked town, instead of going out to find yourself? You were all go-get-'em when it came to Roxas in the Organization. I've seen you... care. I've also seen you not care. So, what is it this time?

[He makes a sweeping gesture with his arm.]

What possibly could be here worth anything? Might be nothing worth dying for, but if you're going to claim you're alive, then what are you doing about it?


[ action ] flurryflame April 9 2010, 01:33:28 UTC
[ A small huff through his nose and Axel finds a seat to the end of his little mattress bed. His back pressed to the wall, and his legs spread out, with his hands folding over his sloped (empty) belly.

Giving himself a good moment of silence before letting his mouth run. ] Xigbar, if you wanted me to tag along, all you had to do was just ask.. It's not like I've got a whole hell of a lot better to do ... [ but wait. ]

This time, no, I really don't care.. but I'll go, just so you can have someone to hold your hand. We all come from that clinic by the people that sweep the area out there.. so anyone found.. will wake up here.

[ Obvious, he is waiting for someone to wake up. Someone to be found, and brought back.. here. ]


[ action ] bulletspace April 9 2010, 03:44:38 UTC
[Xigbar is more than hesitant to admit his uncertainties. People waking up after confirmed slaughter? As if. The troops wiped out thus far remained MIA - like they were just going to pop up, reborn, like immortals. It hardly seemed plausible (somewhat like people ripped from their universe to this one.) It was also irrelevant.]

Hold on. Don't get me wrong; I'm not out to go playing exploration-excavation games just yet. I don't need you tagging along yet for a mission I haven't decided to take - and I wouldn't ask that of you any more than I would for you to be my whore for a night.

I actually had something else in mind. You and I are not obligated to same restrictions we had in the Organization, and I could spit piss at Xemnas if he popped up now and tried it - s'about as much as I care for it. Insubordination aside - independence, rather...

The two kiddos - you know, the keyblade boy and female tag-along. You seem a little too restless to have ignored them this long. You know anything going on about them? [A different purpose for ( ... )


[ action ] flurryflame April 9 2010, 07:26:51 UTC
[ What? I'm not good enough to be a one night stand? Wait.. ugh. Nevermind. Dammit Xigbar.. why's it always gotta go back to chics? Why am I thinking about this? Axel waves a hand as he shakes his head from the invading thoughts planted by Xigbar's words. ]

Riku and Kairi, I've seen them around.. and got into a little dispute with Riku - he's a brat ... they're just as lost as the rest of us.

[ He takes in a deep breath and holds it for a moment and exhales. His fingers tapping lazily on his gut. ]

There's no Kingdom Hearts here, there's no heartless there's no.. corridors to darkness.. Even if Xemnas came, he seriously couldn't accomplish a damn thing. He'd be a fool to even ask of us to come back to him.. especially after already kicking the bucket. [ He had a small smirk. His eyes trailing up to Xigbar's. ] What's all this about? I'm either seriously lacking nutrition, or you haven't gotten to a point yet.


[ action ] bulletspace April 9 2010, 20:53:59 UTC
"Dispute" sounds harmless. [Xigbar chuckled at this, able to imagine what it entailed; it was probably something like "disagreements" that "never happened" between couples. He had seen a few of those off to the side during previous missions.]

And I wouldn't be so sure about corridors to darkness. Not that impossible, take my word for it, though you wouldn't want to try it here.

[Sigh. Why was it so hard to spit it out? Come on, Xigbar, you're how old? You haven't learned how to belly up yet?

He gazed at Axel almost pensively, left hand propping up right arm which led up to fingers leaning on his chin.]

Trying to figure out what I'd be pinning that point on, kid, give me a break. I'm thinking, though, that things are obviously different here. There's no reason for us to be underdogs in the world; no reason for us to be having disputes with moody little brats - no reason for us to not still be able to be on top of things, either ( ... )


[ action ] flurryflame April 9 2010, 23:38:44 UTC
[ His brow quirked and he lifted his hand, a finger pointing to the ceiling - circling it in the air. ] I haven't gave much thought on what I want to do. [ The hand dropped, but he was enthused all the same. He had fun in the "dispute" it ignited that flame inside him, showing him that he could still fight, use his power.. and had that familiar feeling of adrenaline running through his veins - pumping excitably in that non-existent heart of his.

He was confused, still, with Xigbar's direction, but the idea of doing anything was appealing. And there was truth in his answer, he hadn't thought of a damn thing (nor done a thing) except for terrorize the key-faker-blade punk. Which he was still on a happy high from. Nobody left the "dispute" in fatal wounds, just a few bruises. But that was something that put that beam back to his face. ]

What kind of something you thinking on making of what now? I'm open for ideas, and flexible for opportunities.


[ action ] I so did not draw a braincramp. bulletspace April 12 2010, 19:52:08 UTC
[Xigbar cocked his head at the redhead with a faint grin.]

I really have no grand plans, but let's just say I'd rather keep on top of things, you dig? Still like to know what's going on.

Right now there's little to do besides shoot things and listen to people crank out drama on the little phones, but hey, don't miss out on much that way.

[He chuckled. Maybe he would join a certain girl and help her sew. ..As if.]

You ever thought of becoming a bounty hunter here for a little bit?


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