
Sep 28, 2010 10:21

Um, I'm not sure if anyone needs or wants any, but I have a few squash - maybe... one, two, three... seven - seven of them; and one watermelon. I won't be able to use them all by myself before they go bad, so if anyone wants them while they're still good, let me know and I can even deliver them to you.

vincent valentine, axel, kairi

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Audio forever_last September 29 2010, 19:41:29 UTC
...If you do not need them, I will take some of them off your hands.


Audio paopupyramid September 30 2010, 03:05:32 UTC
[Kairi recognizes that voice.]

Oh! Which do you want?


Audio forever_last September 30 2010, 03:08:02 UTC
[Yes, despite his apparent behavior, Vincent isn't so bad a guy.]

Two squash.

[He refuses to take her only watermelon.]


Audio paopupyramid October 1 2010, 20:40:51 UTC
[She has no hard feelings and feels obligated to him in an unusual sense for their previous interaction (if you can call it that.)

And the watermelon is easy for her to give away for some reason.]

That's all? You don't want more? Do you want the watermelon, too? It's too much for me to eat by myself.


Audio forever_last October 1 2010, 21:37:16 UTC
I'm not...fond of watermelon.


Audio paopupyramid October 2 2010, 02:30:44 UTC
Oh. [Oh. Well.]

You don't have to take it. Just squash, then. Do you want me to drop it off somewhere for you?


Audio forever_last October 2 2010, 02:34:59 UTC
In front of the church will be fine.


Audio -> Action paopupyramid October 3 2010, 06:46:37 UTC
Okay, that definitely sounds workable. I'll be there soon!

[Kairi was doing absolutely nothing, so it is without much dilly-dallying that she gathers up not two, but four squash, and wraps them in a spare swatch of worn - but clean! - cloth she had found.

She crosses through the park, through almost an endless sea of petals, the bundle securely cradled against her chest so that she almost can feel reverberations of her heart from it. The journey is relatively short-lived and goes smoothly, and so the redhead arrives at the church in decent time.

From there, Kairi is peeking about to see if there is anyone else present. She would not be surprised if she has to leave the squash alone for Vincent to pick up after she departs - but she rather would deliver it in person to ensure he gets it. That is, if she can find him.]

Hello? This is the place, right?..

[Meddlesome flower petals. They get all over in just seconds.]


Action forever_last October 3 2010, 06:58:23 UTC
[Vincent steps out from a corner inside, stopping a few feet off to the side of Kairi.]

You deliver?

[He asks, his own dry attempt at humor. Not as good as others, but every now and then it showed itself. He looks down at the shorter girl, metal claw hanging at his side, high-collar hiding half of his face--until he shifts, revealing a pale but handsome face.]


Action paopupyramid October 5 2010, 00:41:24 UTC
[Since she had last spoken to him, Kairi has strove to be more aware of her surroundings; even so, she could barely sense his approach until, from her peripheral vision, he became more conspicuous. The flowers were, just possibly, doing something to damper her still-only-average senses; or, she was simply that distracted.

Somehow, Vincent is not exactly what she anticipates. The redhead tilts her head up to study him for a moment; blue eyes dart about him before they drop and settle on her bundle of vegetables. He definitely reminds her of Riku in a certain way, thus far looks alone differing. The fact that there is more to a person than outward looks alone, the aloof but still well-meant disposition, the invaluable rare moments of intimate friendship - they all come to mind, and it... hurts, somehow; but she has a smile ready anyways when she finally looks up. Both hands extend to offer the goods.]It probably is less trouble to have to walk around and pick it up, so I don't mind delivering. Can I bring you anything else, since I'm ( ... )


Action forever_last October 5 2010, 00:52:36 UTC
[Or, he was just that quiet. She would learn how he tended to be eventually, probably. Vincent shakes his head and motions to the squash she has, his long red cloak fluttering ever so slightly.]

That will be plenty.


Action paopupyramid October 5 2010, 01:07:35 UTC
Well - [FINE THEN.] - okay. If you need anything, you can ask anytime. It seems like I'll have more squash soon, so maybe I'll drop some more off later if you can still use them - in a week or so.

[With nowhere else to go, or no one else to see, Kairi is content to stand in patience, eyes fixed on the concealed squash, and hold out the quadruple-produce until he takes them.]


Action forever_last October 5 2010, 01:17:12 UTC
[Vincent steps forward and takes the squash, moving to set them on a pew. He then turns to look back at Kairi, wondering if there is something he ought to say. He looks to the produce, then back to the girl.]

I am grateful.


Action (I fail at smalltalk.) paopupyramid October 5 2010, 16:53:22 UTC
[Once the small load is out of her hands, it leaves her a feeling that her mission is complete. She knows she should probably get back inside before the day fades away; still, some company has been nice. It was becoming too empty.]

I'm glad you can use them. It's just some squash, though - not a big deal. [A pause, and then-]

I guess I'll be going then. Thanks again, Vincent.

[With that, Kairi turns and begins to shuffle back in the direction from whence she came, hands extended so her fingertips can graze against the overflowing walls of petals. Maybe later on she will take some and make a necklace out of them. Not quite seashells, but in more abundance if nothing else - better than nothing, if nothing else ...]


Action (My character literally does too, so it's okay XD) forever_last October 5 2010, 19:01:25 UTC
Thanking me? For what?

[The questions had come out suddenly, his curiosity obviously having gotten the best of him.]


Action (Kairi forgives! ) paopupyramid October 6 2010, 04:18:26 UTC
[A jerky halt suggests that further speech was unexpected. Kairi turns first her head and then her body follow suit so that she faces him after a moment.]

For before. You were still nice to me even though I was so... [outrageously immature or-] dumb. It means a lot to me. [That even this person could refresh her memory of home - it was the most anyone here could do right now.]

And for taking the squash, of course. [A little smile at that.]

What did you think I could have meant, anyways?


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