LiveJournal Backup Tools (back up your stuff!)

Apr 10, 2017 15:57

Backup Tools

LiveJournal's own export journal page can do a month at a time.

Antennapedia (Mac OS X out-of-the-box support, needs Python where missing) - For migrating journal entries from any LJ-style server to any other LJ-style server.

ljArchive (Windows only) - A nice interface grabs the info from the servers and presents it in its own customizable templates within the program. Exports to HTML and XML. It's very easy to use and is currently being developed on Sourceforge.


Livejournal Export Script - Pull Livejournal into a database (GDBM), allowing export into HTML or XML, and further import into Wordpress or other blog software.

LJbook (Currently overloaded) - Web interface exports LJ to a PDF suitable for printing on Lulu or just backing up, with images and other options. Limited use per month for unpaid users.

ljdump (Python) slurps everything down into a pile of XML files. can import entire LiveJournals, including comments. Not sure if it's also available in the standalone Wordpress software, or only the hosted service.

XJournal (Mac OS X only) can download all entries.

LJMirgate (Python) can archive the entire journal, and optionally migrate to another LJ-based site like InsaneJournal or Dreamwidth.

ljdump (Python) dumps to HTML, and can output the format expected by the Wordpress LJ import plugin.

lj: news, lj: promoting, misc: data backup

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