Aug 19, 2005 23:17
To the many people, including my parents who wished me a happy birthday:
Thank you. You made it a bit brighter.
To those who forgot, or don't really care:
Don't worry, I'll probably forget yours. It's nothing personal.
I am a selfish person sometimes, demanding mroe attention and consideration than I need or deserve, but when I look back at things I realise I haven't pushed too many people away. Not the ones that matter to me. And I love you all, you all mean something to me and you've all had some part of shaping me. I only wish more of you actually read this journal (god knows my family is NOT going to) and that I got to know some of those of you who do read it better.
To a girl who fell into a trap:
you missed the point. and you'll be missing friendships, too.
To Laura, if you read this:
I'm sorry I didn't say happy birthday to you. I hope you and Vig did something thouroughly naughty for it.
I am happy to know people care about me. It brightens my mood. You all do that.
I really miss Natalia. Someone buy her a plane ticket over here and offer to take over her workload for a week or two.