Age: Wolf. Looks in 19-20 as a human.
Height: Average.
Weight: Average.
Medical Info: Is a wolf.
Hair: Brown.
Physical traits:
See here. White fur. Shows blood and other injuries reaaaal good when they happen. Muscular.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: I'm ok with pretty much anything.
Abilities: Can heal with moonlight like other wolves. Take Toboe's speed/agility/reflexes and add LIKE A THOUSAND. Kiba has taken down robots, armored soldiers, monster wolves and tends to not care if you injure him when he's set on RIPPING OUT YOUR THROAT. In other words, if you fight the wolf, you're in for the long haul unless you or he come to your senses. Also the same heightened sense of hearing/smell/blah blah blah. Remember, JESUS WOLF.
Being a wolf, Kiba can also sense when things aren't quite normal about others. He won't sense whether people have powers or whatever, but he'll be more guarded around non-humans since he doesn't know whether to trust. Kiba is also largely more guarded around humans than the other wolves. He doesn't dislike them; he's just not keen on being their friend. He will protect them if they gain his favor though. Protecting is second-nature to Kiba and what he does best.
Notes for the Psychics: PARADISE PARADISE CHEZA PARADISE CHEZA. Other thoughts might occasionally slip in there such as food, the rest of his pack and faint memories of his puppyhood.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: If you want to bodyswap with a wolf, I guess. As for the other stuff, BRING IT ON.
Maim/Murder/Death: You can TRY. I cannot promise you will succeed. Kiba gets shot like every other day. Sometimes with lasers.
Cooking: Is a wolf.
Kissing/Touching/Etc.: Are you Cheza? If no, then no.