Postcards Over The Edge 4

Aug 22, 2006 09:38


Andy and the usual suspects,

A bit wierd seeing segments of that Bush' "tuck tail and run"
new conference the other day. LBJ redux.

Wierder still is the fact the multinat'l congloms that
own and operate the networks, upstage this event to feed us daily doses of
Paris Hilton as culture, and Necrophelia, Jon Benet Ramsy
dead now, what?, 10 years, in order for us to ignore Bush'
use of blood and treasure.

Stalin started the first ratings service. He noted.

One death. (Jon Benet) A tragedy. Great TV ratings.
Thousands.(Young marines in Iraq) A statistic.
Whatever...hit remote.

Gimme us pedophile to burn at the stake, not a stake in
our own governance as Iraqi-Halliburton cronies loot
the Treasury and toss away a few more hyhenated immigrants
in the USMC serving in the green zone.

Guess this follows the feminization and girlification of
the news. Et tu Katie? Facial hair scares women viewers
and sponsors of product that sell women stuff because
they are convinced they're too fat, too old, too ugly, smell bad in unmentionable
places, and bad mothers without serving fast food. Come on
people, you can't sleep? Or, get it up? Suffer from heartburn
that can't be treated w/ Tums or baking soda? Watch network
evening news for happy talk.

Suggestion: Stop spending time bashing Bush and take
a yoga class or visit the library with your spare Bush raging time.

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