Jul 20, 2006 09:17
Pretty cool for ya to hang somewhere where the sun barely sets. Yes? Enjoyed your podcast.
Spielberg lives on Amalfi Drive in the Pacific Palisades as does Arnold Schwarznegger not too far from here. Good movies make good neighbors I beleive is a Frost quote. ( Myron Frost) I attended a 4th parade in the Palisades there on Sunset Blvd. Desmond's first, and he was a flag waving enthusiast.
Parade straight off the Saturday Evening Post cover, I kid you not.
Finland an ole cold war spook center where the KBG and CIA would mix it up. Chat with anyone who knows where the bodies are buried?
This BS between the Knesset and the Hez benefits exactly whom?
I envision the Alex Guness character from Lawrence of Arabia who plays a Saudi prince in a contemporary version being just delighted with this crsis and the new rate we are willing to pay for gasoline. It's always a win-win for the Saudi's. They gave us Osama. They underwrite Muslim terrorist groups. And we chase our tails with Bush-Cheney-Sharon style demagoguery and waste more blood and treasure, lose liberties, and fail totally in Afghanistan and Iraq as we breed more terrorists. Simple economics. We are financing our our own downfall via increasing oil prices. The Saudi's just toss 1%of their take to radical muslims to fuck with us. Hallibuton's shares went from $9 to $80 in the course of events.
Red meat: Stir up the ole Izzie-Hezzie razzle dazzle. Hezzie replaces the PLO as the "Other."
Tim Hardin's 60's tune named "Gunrunner" made it simple: "Sell guns to Arabs, and dynamite
to the Jews." So what's new?
I've seen ths movie before over and over and over..... No one really wants peace or an accord.