
Jun 20, 2006 06:55

Tu 6.20.06

Marine layer as last day of spring ends thus season. My income is seasonal. At lackluster and unpredictable art best and downright scary at worst as each month a scramble to meet my increased. Yesterday dropped by King's Head to meet with a stable of guys at 12:30 who've long time been the Rotarians of the SM scene by the book. Again "character defects" addressed with some young guy whose been around the block for three years.My arrogance and fear and powerlessness and doubt and uncertainty can really wrap me up like a burrito with restless nights. Pray for my friends and foes alike to get out of bondage of self.

Yea, today's a Dez day. When and where to begin? Now I must be mindful this is not a Starline schedule I enjoy anymore with a certain degree of financial stability. Today's all I got, and I need to be mindful of October and beyond with a real 9 to 5 situation no temporary or daily draws. It's too stressful. I considered today in this way. Come up with ten leads for new stuff: Marina center. Custom resume. Touch base with "Sam" and his tour company. A note to Fred. Game this out. Ideal. Fixed schedule with Stars pick up shifts with Lazar. Goal a grand a week in season.

One lesson I learned in this trade that some operators can be downright unpleasant and demeaning. This character on 2nd St in S.M. blew me off big time. As Dave says "no one cares how smart you are" and indeed, to let stuff roll off like water on duck's back. Touched base with Jay the Bear and he always offers a good ear and friendly advice knowing me as long as he has. Yes, Just gather ye rose buds while may.

A good day in many respects. Time to chill and get a sense of myself

Mon 6.19.06 Marine layer. Work in the street on Sunday. Good. Made nice to Fred. Gotta get back I told him. Happy Father's Day. Brian suggest I drop a note.

Joshua dropped me a note. He liked his painting on the judaica subject. That's nice. Glad he appreciated it.

God help me. God save me from my anger and distress over DKNY and Cape matters.
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