Swift Solutions

Jun 09, 2006 06:54

F 6.9.06


your time in florida I'm afraid has the stockholm effect on you.

you've acquired redneck humor!

good to hear from ya. hope you are in full recovery.
amazing. for me, now over 90 days w/o a cigarette!
praise jesus! un-fucking-beleivable! now i can endure
life's joys, pains, setbacks, sorrows, triumphs and victories
without lighting up. nothing short of amazing after 50 years.

btw: I suspect they had captured zarkawi days ago. called in mosad.
pulled every fingernail, electrified every genital, and coaxed him
to "share" with them. then slipped him the ole cardiac arrest injection.

the 500 pounder was just theatrics to cover up this intelligence coup.

We may be a nanosecond closer to ending this sordid mess as
"they" try to roll up his network. remember the texas oil men could care
less. we now are sucking it up at $3.33, and will take it in the ass onto
$4 then $5 a gallon by 2007. they throw a dead rag head at us from time
to time. It's in their best interest to blow shit up and stay at war, just
ask pals in the house of saud or qatar. sell guns to the arabs and dynamite
to the jews. what a scam.

too much to be gained keeping the shit storm going. gw and his cronies delight
with their demon creations. no al qada, no need fo' george.

unless, of course, you can make a case for otherwise in your scholary circles

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