May 08, 2006 08:15
M 5.8.06_7AM
As a creature of habit and superstition on the Blvd, I am accustomed to seeing certain costumed figures on the street: Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Shrek and a long list. Well, I checked with Batman about my favorite, Wonderwoman, am attractive, vivacious gal with strong features. Batman told me that she and her beau disguised as Spiderman broke up. They went the own ways. He New Jersey. She to D.C.
That's Hollywood, cast always changing.
Well, well, well, what's underway?
Marine layer. May gray. Grateful I'm too busy to ruminate about the usual stuff and glad I can play catch up on business obligations. Hole stop digging. Been outta touch with program pals but that's the tradeoff. Air. Good breath here and now, often baffled that I have felt short of breath tho from time to time. So let's work in some exercise this day. Track. Pack lunch. No idea what to do with class. Don't really care. Power Point. Looks like fun. Draft outline. When can I do it? Check with Tony. Copy book. Practice at Academy at least. Gotta a bunch of stuff, bills, to square away. interesting to be on a cash economy again. Thank God time off allowed me to quit smoking Ash Wednesday, endure the travails, string along on loans and juggling the usual nickels and dimes. Now we face a gas price increase which is a big bear. Still need to settle the inspection stuff. At the pump I just curse Bush-Cheney as the culprits and stop, these assholes there in place until 2009. That's a bummer. 2009 to endure these monster idiots with a track record of going from bad to worse.
Always amazing to see the affluence in stark relief. Sunday tours we saw millions of dollars of high end cars. Paris Hilton's sported a pretty gray blue Bentley, Range Rover, and Mercedes. The tourists go "ooh and ahh" , although I had to substitute Paris' for Johnny Depp's earlier as the tour owner said a group from Downunder he sold specified it and he promised it. That's show biz. Give 'em what they want. Waltzing Matilda. Ok time to fire up and get underway.