Today is the first day of July, time to make a list of what's changed ▬
- I'm spending the summer in Paris ;
- Because I have an internship at France Televisions ;
- Which you might know as the national French TV broadcasting society ;
- I didn't expect to get it but i did ;
- It's well-paid ;
- Nice office ;
- Air-conditionned ;
- Espresso machine ;
- Free phonecalls ;
- A security badge ;
- Nice co-workers ;
- Nice boss ;
- Who loses track of time sometimes ;
- In a high-ranked service ;
- Meeting high-ranked people ;
- My flat is in Saint-Germain-des-Prés ;
- Which you might know as one of the most fashionable area of Paris ;
- It includes in its area Le Café de Flore ;
- And tons of boutiques ;
- And cafés ;
- And bars ;
- I'm around my BFF ;
- We'll go vacationing together in the South of France this month ;
- In a villa with a pool ;
- About my love life ;
- It's still as complicated as it used to be ;
- But I'm over the artist ;
- I'm still sad when I think about it and I still cry about it when I'm by myself, drunk ;
- But I mostly regret what we used to be two years ago ;
- And I'm not often drunk by myself ;
- I like this one guy from school that I'll call Director guy ;
- We hooked up at the Christmas ball ;
- He was never in class and neither did I so we didn't see each other much ;
- He texted me a month ago ;
- He said he'd see me in Paris ;
- I'm waiting for him to contact me ;
- Because as the wiseman said : "If a guy wants to date you, he'll do everything he can to" ;
- Otherwise, there's this cute guy on my floor ;
- I'm guessing he's an intern too ;
- He's so cute ;
- So pretty ;
- Like perfectly dressed ;
- I haven't talked to him yet ;
- I just know he's on my floor ;
- He's soooo pretty ;
- (I like saying that a boy is 'pretty') ;
- I gave my co-worker the mission to introduce me to him ;
- She doesn't know him either ;
- But I trust her skills in matchmaking ;
- I still like making lists ;
- And that guy, OMMA, he's so pretty I can't stand it ;
- I observed his ass when we climbed up the stairs back to our floor after the evacuation exercise ;
- So fit ;
- I'm an ass-watcher ;
- Thats a thing you learn to appreciate ;
- Like wine ;
- I do like good wines ;
- The OMMA stands for a interrupted Oh my God ;
- I think I'm done with this list for today ;
- See you !!