Title: When Harry meets dishwashing soap
Author: Paradise4writin
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG
Notes: This idea came to me after watching James and Chris deal with Lily after she got into some dishwashing soap. This is a story where Remus and Sirius raise Harry after Lily and James are killed.
Summary: AU. Harry gets into some soap.
This is for
Jamie2109 AWDT
“Sirius, how could you let Harry drink dishwashing soap!?”
“I just turned my back for five minutes. I didn’t know he could get into that much trouble in that little amount of time.
“That’s the thing Sirius, YOU DON’T THINK!!!!!”
“I didn’t mean it!”
Sirius broke down in the chair,
“Oh gods, I could have killed him. I hurt Harry….Oh James I am so sorry,” Sirius sobbed as he covered his face with his hands.
Remus couldn’t stand the sight of his lover sobbing like that. He wrapped Sirius in his arms and whispered soothing words into his ear.
“It’s ok Paddy. Harry is fine now. James knows that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt Harry. I know this too.”
“I’m so sorry Moony.”
“Shhh Pads, its ok love.”
They sat there until Sirius calmed down.
“I’m sorry I yelled at you Sirius. I was just so scared.”
“It’s all right Moony love. I was scared too.
There was a comfortable scilence between them
“It was rather funny when he burped a bubble.
“Oh shut up and kiss me Padfoot!”