
Nov 09, 2011 18:38

My Internet has been acting strange and I'm not feeling well, plus I feel a little burned out to keep up with things at the moment so I'm calling a hiatus for a week. Possibly two but we'll see by the end of next week. I know I signed up for the expedition but it's best if I sit it out until I can clear my head.

In the meantime, if there's anything that needs to be done or looked at, please remember you can always e-mail/PM me. I think this only goes for Kate at the moment, for any plot-related things. In the meantime, Uru will be a momonga and sitting in random places in the castle just... 'cause... she'll also have a name tag or something so her CR is aware she's alright and just on a loss.

See you guys in a while.


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