
Nov 02, 2011 13:00

Hey guys. I am going on hiatus from November 2 - 22. I've got an exam on the 22nd that I want to study for and I am suffering a little from burn out because November's such a big month educationally and personally for me. I will be backtagging, although it may be at the slow pace I've been at for the last few weeks.

Effects Elena Gilbert (copypasted), James Potter (toerags) and Piper Halliwell (moleculars).

- Elena will be turned into a porcelain doll. If she breaks, she'll just come back together. Godmod rights go to Stella/auntjenna.

- James will be turned invisible. As in, totally invisible. Won't be able to see, hear or feel him.

- Piper's going to be trapped in a painting in her room in the castle.

I can be contacted via PM, pippers @ plurk or wheresthepillow@gmail.com. ♥


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