(no subject)

Aug 14, 2011 01:05

continued from first post, second post


If you wish to apply for a character from any movie or television fandom ( i.e. 300, CSI, Supernatural, etc. ), then please copy and paste the form in the box below into a new comment to this post. Your application will be screened to prevent others from seeing it. A mod or helper will reply to it in a timely fashion.

If you are applying for a character you reserved recently, please put 'Reserved Character - ( Character Name )' on the subject line.

If your application does not fit into one comment, split your application into as many comments are needed. You can mark them as part 1, part 2, etc if you feel the need.

Please space your paragraphs properly; improper spacing may be grounds for a decline over writing quality.

NAME: [ Your name or nickname. ]
JOURNAL: [ This is your personal journal, not your character's journal. ]
EMAIL: [ Provide an e-mail address at which the mods and your fellow players may reliably reach you if necessary. This is REQUIRED. ]
AIM: [ Provide an AOL Instant Messenger screen name at which you may be contacted. This is optional, but can be good for plotting and role playing out scenes. ]
WIKI NAME: [ Username on the wiki, if applicable. ]
CHARACTERS: [ List all the characters you have as of now, if applicable. We will review your activity before considering your application. ]

CHARACTER NAME: [ Self-explanatory, yes? ]
FANDOM: [ Where are they from? ]
CANON: [ After which point in their canon storyline does the character enter Paradisa? ]
WHAT THEY LOST: [ Provide a realistic loss for your character that will affect them in some distinct fashion, and explain why it is important to them]

ABOUT THE CHARACTER: [ Provide a couple of paragraphs about the character you're applying for. Make sure to cover all that is relevant; their personality, their background. THIS MUST BE 500 WORDS or longer. But keep in mind that we do read these so have it be concise and work for quality, not quantity. It'll be a great measure of your characterization and understanding of the character. For a more detailed version of what we're looking for, please see http://paradisa.wikia.com/wiki/What_We%27re_Looking_For_On_Applications#Tips_on_Writing_Good_Character_Descriptions>What We're Looking For. ]

ABILITIES: [ Provide a decent explanation of the general abilities your character can use. Links are welcome here if the character has too many abilities to expand on here, but we want to get a good feel for what your character is capable of. If your character has no powers, leave this section blank.]

THIRD-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: [ Write a couple of paragraphs in third person of your character doing something. Anything. Eating dinner. Fighting their archenemy. Showing up in Paradisa. Whatever. THIS MUST BE 250 WORDS OR LONGER. It's used as a measure of your characterization and writing ability.]

FIRST-PERSON WRITING SAMPLE: [ This should be in first person, as if the character were making an entry in their journal. It MUST be five sentences or longer and should show that you have a grasp of the character's unique voice.]

INTENT: [ What draws you to play this particular character? Ideally, what would you like to do with the character in Paradisa? It's alright if you don't know yet; we're just curious. ]

Typical staff for the section: Ashley, Jenn, TF, Ruru, Valerie

apps, important post

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