Oh snap, a Dalek!

Sep 03, 2009 17:31

Dalek Caan is going on a loss! Or rather, a gain. He’s regaining his sanity, which unfortunately for everyone else, will turn him back into the evil dogmatic bastard he was before his little accident. Explaining decades worth of history would be very TL;DR, (no, really) so here’s a short, informative video:

image Click to view

So yeah, simply? Bad shit. He’ll also be back to speaking in his original voice, SHOUT-ING OUT EVE-RY SYLL-A-BLE.

Caan will be spending his time hating everyone and fixing up his shell, ready to go to war on Paradisa for kidnapping him. Being part of the Cult of Skaro, Caan is smarter than your av-er-age Dalek, so no doubt he’ll try to trick residents into helping him with this plan. Luckily, Five is going to go Oncoming Storm on Caan’s ass before he can get his weapons systems properly back online. So no one is going to get hurt.

Enjoy, people, enjoy.
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