(no subject)

Dec 28, 2008 15:22

SURPRISE (or not, if you were nosy) TIME!
For the past few weeks I've been working on a much more detailed "thingy" for Paradisa; a handbook, if you will, full of information, fleshing out the place, putting in more stuff to do, organizing things, making inconsistencies match up, etceteras. This is my belated Birthday/Christmas/New Year's present to this place. So, without further ado, I give you:


[Please read the following in your very best Infomercial Voiceover voice]

Featuring COMPELLING information such as:
- details on the journal system!
- the castle's mysteries!
- all-new rooms in the castle!
- in-depth information on the city and the world BEYOND the castle and city!
- expectations on activity and hiatuses!
- how to change things and run events!
- and more!!!

[/end infomercial]
Two pages ("Losses" and "How To Make Journal Entries",  which none of you should need anyway) still need to be finished but I figured I might as well get the ball rolling otherwise. Yes? Yes.

Some of you knew this was coming -- it's kind of hard to hide ongoing work like this on the Wiki -- so I bet a number of you have already read this nonsense and gotten yourselves acquainted with the Updated and Improved Paradisa. I know this because some of you IMed me about it to ask. Love you!

As for CHANGES, they go into effect at MIDNIGHT on NEW YEARS. The second we welcome in 2009, we're also going to welcome in the official updates. Rearranged floor maps, access to the outside world (or at least the opened up parts of it) and the whole shebang. Until then, carry on as usual!

Any thoughts? Errors/contradictions you've noticed? Clarifications you want? Questions? Have an idea for something or other? 

important post

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