(no subject)

Apr 28, 2008 13:53

So, news on the wiki...

We made a new one on the chance the other one has gone kaput forever.

Unfortunately, the information we were able to save is out of date, but we're looking to you guys for help, especially on the floor map, which is almost a month old! Re-register and look over the floor map. If your character isn't in the room they should be, list the number in a reply to the FLOOR MAP section in the comments below.

If you see any characters that were dropped (we're still cleaning them out and off the floor map, for example), feel free to leave a comment in the DROPPED section in the comments below.

If you are new from the 23rd of April on, please reply to the TAKEN section in the comments below.

And since the contact sheet needs desperate updating, please fill out the form below, everyone. It'll help us clear out players who dropped by listing all the ones who have replied. :D


We'd greatly appreciate any way you can help us out, and thank you for bearing with us. We apologise for any of your lost pages but we did as best as we could to get as many as possible, though they are almost as old as the floor map itself.

wiki, important post, mod

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