(no subject)

Apr 19, 2008 18:30

As I'm gradually going to introduce the changes as I get them ironed out... here's the first.

Remember the voice of Paradisa, whispering to you in your sleep? It's back, but not all at once. No, that seductive, enthralling voice is coming back over a series of two weeks in what is a completely optional participation setting-related plot. After the two weeks are up, it's back full time, for good or for bad. (Also, I doubt it will interfere with anything much, as it's mostly a thing happening when you sleep, or easily forgotten. <3)

This'll be running starting tonight and finishing on the 2nd.

Week 1: Some people are more 'tainted' or 'touched' by Paradisa than others. Was your character dead when s/he was brought to Paradisa? Did they die IN Paradisa? Have they been here for over a year? If that's the case, week 1 applies to them if you choose to participate. These people are the first to have the voice return to them. Every night, the voice is there, trying to pull them deeper and deeper into Paradisa's snares. The planet wants you to stay forever - and it is striking at those closer to it. The characters that hear the voice can't make out what is being said, not a single word. If they're lucky, they forget about hearing it when they wake up of a morning, as if nothing happened.

Week 2: Paradisa extends it's voice to everyone else in the castle - though it's still optional if you hear the voice or not, it can easily be explained as your character doesn't recall hearing anything. Every time they sleep it creeps into their head, whispering the most appealing of things, trying to get them to stay forever. To those that heard the voices in week 1, they can now hear it when they are awake (but only for the duration of this week). It's a voice just in the back of their head, something easily ignored and easily missed, but there nonetheless. At the end of week 2, Paradisa has crept into everyone's dreams and will continue to speak to them from now on. Those who heard the voices when awake no longer hear them, but in return the voice is louder and more frequently remembered. (And such is the case for anyone else who reaches 1 year mark, dies in Paradisa, or is brought in after their death in the future.)

To those who are new and never knew about the voices, or to those who want to know more about them, the following should have everything you want to know.

Paradisa is, of course, a sentient planet. It brings the characters willingly and uses their emotions as energy to keep itself alive. It is devouring, piece by piece, those brought onto its surface. It needs these people to stay alive, so it speaks to them. The planet slips into their head and begins to talk in the most charismatic and seductive of voices. It wants them to stay forever. It doesn't want them to try to find a way out, so it speaks to them, trying to utterly convince them that Paradisa is where they belong. Paradisa is where they want to stay forever.

The voice of Paradisa is always familiar to characters - it's the voice of the person they care the most about. Their mother, father, best friend, lover, teacher, worst enemy (as, after all, hate is a negative form of caring)... that's the voice that Paradisa speaks to them with. What better way to make a character stay than to use the voice of the person most important to them?

Thing is, Paradisa doesn't want you to consciously know what it's doing. Most of the time, people forget they even heard the voice. It slips out of their memory as if it never happened. The merest suggestion of voices in their sleep is ridiculous... but some of the stronger willed ones can remember. They never know what the planet is saying, Paradisa is too well guarded for that. Yet the ones that remember have just the slightest glimpse of Paradisa's nature - that it is more than just some planet with a transdimensional castle. Unfortunately, if they figure out that Paradisa is alive, they can't tell it to just anyone. They can only tell it to other people who know it.

On an non-plot related note, I'm going to be trying to clear up various setting/location issues that have come up over the course of the game, like the following:

The City Royal being a village is something frequently used, when it isn't the case. It's a biiiig city, with potentially around 20,000 people in it. I'll be working on giving actual size details and notable buildings soon.

City people being creepy/not real/giving you stuff for free. They're real people, alright, completely normal humans, and they don't give you stuff for free (unless you're a friend). They just treat you importantly/respectfully.

That Paradisa loops you around to the castle. I... don't know when that started, but it isn't the case; and it'll be fixed soon with further details. <3

Also, there is money in the city and currency details are in the works. :D

One more thing: remember, the journals are paper. I'm not singling anyone out since I've seen it happen before, but keep in mind that you can't hack them (except into pieces :P) and any links you put on there cannot be viewed ICly as they aren't there.

...And then last but not least, pimping out two little known comms related to Paradisa:

paradisaprompts - which will be featuring a set of monthly prompts which you can reply to with writing or fanart.
paradisamix - fanmixes, baby!

important post, mod

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