[Log: Itachi & Yachiru]

Mar 18, 2007 12:22

Who: Itachi and Yachiru
What: Itachi lets Yachiru try some sake.
Where: Itachi's room
When: Last night.
Rating: PG

Yachiru skipped down the hallway attempting to ballance the large jug of sake as she walked. It wasn't the weight that was a problem just it's size. But she couldn't drop one bit of it! She was determined to prove Itachi wrong and in order to do so nothing could spill! Previously that day Yachiru had went into town with Lana trying to get something festive for this new weird holiday. Somehow the little 6 year old managed to get her hands on the sake as a present to Ferret. Who knows how she got it! Point is she had it now. Yachiru got to the door with the sign she had previously made labing the room "Ferret's room". Just so the castle couldn't trick her. Yachiru grinned and kicked the door since her hands were full. "Ferret~ I'm back!" She declared and gave it one last kick and awaited a response.

Itachi glanced at the door. There was ... noise coming from it, which most likely meant Yachiru had returned from wherever she had been before. He sighed quietly and pushed himself off the bed where he had been reading, crossing the room to open the door. He opened the door only part of the way, glancing down at Yachiru over the high collar of his cloak. What was that in her hands? His vision wasn't doing so hot recently, so some things were rather blurry to him. He opened the door a little further and waited for the little girl to enter the room before speaking up. "What have you brought with you?"

Yachiru frowned behind the large jug. "Ferret! You didn't ask for the password! You need to be more careful!" Yachiru scolded him as she walked inside. She walked over to a table and went on the tips of her tippy toes as she placed the sake on the table. She turned to Itachi with a big smile and pointed to the jug. "I got us some sake! Hee hee. You said you'd let me try some! Rana went with me to go get some in town!" She jumped up and down with excitement. She was getting to be able to do a lot more grown up things since she began living with Itachi. She never really was interested in this kinda stuff back home but being bored to death and living with a bunch of crazy people does things to a 6 year old's mind. "Can we have some, Ferret?" She smiled at him and tugged on the sleeve of his cloak.

Itachi raised an eyebrow, deciding to ignore the comment about being more careful. He was confident that he could handle whatever threat came to his door if the need be; and even if he couldn't and ended up dying, he'd be back soon anyways. He glanced at the bottle she had brought with her, moving closer to read the label. Wow, she had even gotten a good brand. He stared the bottle down for a moment before pulling his sleeve away gently. Walking over to the counter, he picked up two small cups traditionally served for using sake. He pointed to one of the chairs that were conveniently placed beside the table. "Sit down." Itachi sat the cups on the table and poured a very small amount for Yachiru before pushing the cup towards her. The way he saw it, there were three options - One, Yachiru would immediately be disgusted by the sake and leave the subject alone; Two, Yachiru would keep drinking to prove him wrong and possibly die; or Three, he would have a drinking buddy that looked like a small child. Whatever.

Yachiru hopped onto the chair swinging her legs back and forth off the ground as Itachi poured the sake into the weird cup. The whole time she kept a grin on her face. She was ready to prove him wrong! With a new found determination she grabbed the little cup and put it closer to her face. She stared at the sake for a moment. It smelt TERRIBLE. This was sake? Smelt more like dead bodies than a drink. But this is what the adults did and she was tired of being looked down upon by the others in the castle. Yachiru shut her eyes as much as she could and held her nose with one hand as she drank the drink. It took her all but half a second before she began to make a weird disatisfied face. The sake didn't even make it near her throat. With a loud "Bleeech!" Yachiru spewed the sake drink out of her mouth. Right onto Itachi's face. She wiped her mouth off with her sleeve and began to try and wipe the taste off her tongue as fast as she could. Not even realizing what she had just done in front of Itachi.

Itachi had shut his eyes tightly the moment he heard the noise come out of her mouth, but sake and ... some saliva was dripping down his face. Ew. He calmly put two fingers up to his eyes and wiped the area around his eyes off before getting up to grab a small towel from the bathroom. He came back and sat down at the table where he was previously, wiping his face off slowly and the small spots on his cloak that had been hit as well. He set the towel down on the table and glanced at Yachiru, waiting for her to meet his now threatening looking gaze. "Yachiru," he said simply, hoping that she would tell him that she had learned her lesson and that next time she wanted to try something that she would listen to him. He poured himself a little sake, not taking his eyes off her, and waited for her to say something in return.

Yachiru was busily trying to rid her taste buds of the dead bodies drink. She need something sweet and FAST. But what? Where could she go? Before she could get up and go anywhere Itachi called her name. She was just going to have to deal with it. Yachiru stuffed her sleeve in her mouth gnawing on the fabric. Her sleeve tasted better than that stuff! Yachiru looked up to Itachi with an innocent look on her face. "Reur?" Yachiru mumbled through her new candy. Uh oh. Itachi looked pissed. Very pissed. But Yachiru grinned despite the mouthful of sleeve and kept her bubbly happy appearence. Still not realizing what she had done.

Itachi kept the pissy look on. He took a small sip of the sake, and then put the cup back down on the table with a small 'clunk'. Well, it looked like he was right, it had been Option Number 1. Of course, he had figured this would be the case, so he had found a few pieces of candy to keep her from whining about the taste. Itachi got up and retrieved the candy from where he had been keeping it -- in a drawer next to his bed -- and put it in his pocket stealthily before slinking back over to the table and sitting down. He continued staring unhappily. Why was she chewing on her sleeve? That was kind of gross ... oh well. "Well?" he prompted. "What have we learned here?" Apparently she didn't understand what she was supposed to say in this kind of situation.

Yachiru continued to gnaw on her sleeve. She was starting to drool on it. Not that she cared. She just wanted that damn taste gone. Yachiru not knowing how else to express her distaste began to flail her one arm. Anything to get her mind off the taste.
After Yachiru got the flailing out of her system she focused back onto Itachi who was still glaring at her. Wow he looked really crazy! But she was used to it. She stared blankly at him for a moment and then with the sleeve still in her mouth she tried to answer his little question. "Thage thell lige theadth bwothies! Andth tathes bthath!" She frowned at the idea of admitting defeat. BUT OH WELL!

Itachi raised an eyebrow. He, unfortunately, did not speak muffled and had no idea what Yachiru had just said. Maybe he wasn't looking threatening enough to make her really speak up? Or maybe she was just oblivious to the look itself. He decided to activate Sharingan, because red eyes are always creepier than black ones. And maybe this way he would be able to understand through lip movements what she was trying to say if she refused to that that sleeve away from her mouth. "I'm afraid I didn't catch that," he said, with an edge to his voice. "Take that sleeve out of your mouth and repeat what you just said." He fiddled with the candy in his pocket, realizing how much like a parent he sounded. It was kind of creeping him out. Maybe he should just kick her ass and get it over with? No, that sounded like something Fugaku might have done, too. He took a sip of sake and waited for an answer, deciding to just make it clear that she would not be a resident of this room any longer if this happened again.

Yachiru marvelled at Itachi's eyes. They were RED! Just like hers! She didn't know too many other people with the same eye color as her. In fact it was almost as rare as finding someone with the same hair color. In other words, 1 in 100. But the problem still stood. Pretty eyes or not. Yachiru frowned at the idea of taking the sleeve out of her mouth. It was her only salvation right now. But she couldn't say no to Itachi. She was becoming much to fond of him. With a small whine she let go of her sleeve. The taste was still there. She stuck out her tongue and shook her head. After a small and temporary recovery she announced very fast, "Un, I said that it smells like dead bodies and tastes bad!" As soon as she finished her sentence she stuffed the sleeve back into her mouth as fast as she could. She gnawed on her sleeve quickly as if to make up for the time that it wasn't in her mouth. Once rejuvenated she smiled at Itachi again and stared at his eyes. PRETTY!!

Itachi glanced off to the side, breaking the gaze, and pushed his bangs off to the side. Sighing, he looked back. She was so innocent she almost seemed stupid to him. "Yes," he said, with a little more hostility in his voice than his face. "But there is a moral to this story. Do you know what it is?" He took another sip of sake, wondering why she wasn't at least a little scared. Her eyes were red, too, but his spun. And ... did cool stuff. Not that she would know that. And since his Mangekyou didn't work here, he couldn't use it on her. Although he didn't know he would have a reason to. Itachi kept his stare even, however, waiting to see if Yachiru was smart enough to figure it out for herself.

Yachiru didn't want to take the sleeve out of her mouth again. It was too much to bare! But she didn't want to make Itachi mad either. She sat there and thought a moment. She was actually putting effort into it. A rare find for her. Once again she took the sleeve out of her mouth and quickly said with the most innocent of voice "Sake is bad?" and then she stuffed the sleeve back into her mouth. Yachiru giggled a little. Itachi sure was being really silly! He looked kind of funny to her. All serious and stuff. He sure was acting strange.

Itachi almost groaned out loud. She was simpler than he thought. "No. The lesson here is that you should listen to what I tell you, so you don't do things like spit drinks at me and then I won't need to forcefully remove you from this room." Wow, that sentence right there had more words than he had said out loud all day. He wondered briefly why she didn't realize how seriously UNfunny this was, but decided to strike a deal with her instead. He pulled a piece of the candy out of his pocket and held it up between his fingers for her to see. "Do you see this piece of candy?" he asked, twirling it a little bit in his hand. "I will give it to you if you promise the next time you want to try something you are not supposed to have, like alcohol, that when I tell you that you will not like it, you will take my word for it." Yes, that seemed like the best way to word it. He decided to leave out the consequences to make it sound better to her. This almost felt like he was training her like you would a pet ... but oh well.

Yachiru's eyes brightened at the sight of candy. Finally! The taste could go AWAY! Yachiru reached her hand out to the candy like a baby reaching to their parents to be held. But to no avail. She couldn't reach across the table and Itachi wasn't willing to just give it to her. Yachiru pouted a moment. She wanted that candy! She didn't really want to agree to his deal. She wanted to try things anyways! But maybe it was best for her to listen to him. After all, he really hadn't done anything bad or mean around her. Yachiru nodded her head in agreement a smile on her face. "Un!" She proclaimed through the sleeve. Caaaaaandy~!! Yachiru held out her hand to Itachi waiting for him to hand her the candy.

Itachi dropped the piece of candy in her hand. Well, that was easy. He took another sip of sake. "I am going to hold you to that," he said, a slight hint of warning in his voice. Mm, this sake was good, too. Itachi didn't know where she had gotten the dead bodies thing, or how she knew what dead bodies tasted like, but it tasted perfectly normal to him. He set the now empty cup back down. "Do I get a prize for winning the bet?" He wondered if she could come up with something. Not that he was expecting anything, it would just be fun to see if she did.

Yachiru took the candy and unwrapped it right away quickly stuffing it in her mouth. She sucked on the candy and tried to ressurect her taste buds. The candy was a grand relief after that sake. But now there was another issue at hand. A prize? Yachiru had been so sure she would have won she never really thought about any prize. She was dumbfounded. What was there to do? "Un, what do you want then, Ferret?" Yachiru tilted her head to the side in thought. She really had no idea what he'd like. She already gave him sake and that was the only thing she knew he liked.

That was a good question. What did he want? He wanted all the stupid people to go die. And he wanted to get out of this place. Oh, and he wanted some more sake. He poured himself another small cup. "I thought you might have something in mind," he said, because he did. She couldn't have possibly expected to win a drinking contest at the age of 6. Then again, she was giggling at his Sharingan, so he supposed anything was possible. So, what could he ask for that she was capable of giving to him that he didn't already have? He sighed heavily, leaning back in the chair. "I can't think of anything."

Yachiru frowned. But it wasn't so bad in the sense that she didn't have to worry about the prize as much. Though she did feel a bit of guilt it wasn't strong enough for her to care. She thought again for a moment. Wow, was she on a roll with this thinking stuff. He probably wasn't too intersted in her drawing a picture for him. Then she began to wonder, did he cheat? That could have been why she hated it so much. But then, naaah~ Itachi would never do that to her. "Un, come up with something later then, Ferret?" Just then Yachiru got the greatest idea. But in order to do it she'd need to get him out of the room. Perhaps she could attack when he was out to the library or something. Yachiru let out a large smile at the thought.

Itachi frowned, taking a sip. "Hn." Oh well, he didn't really want a prize, anyways. He took another sip and looked around before looking back at Yachiru. She had a smile on her face that he found idiotic, as usual. He set the cup down and closed the sake bottle, putting it away somewhere where Yachiru wouldn't be able to reach it. Although he knew she wouldn't want any more, this way she wouldn't knock it over and break it or something. Hopefully. He sat back down on the bed where he had been before, and flipped open a book to the place he had marked it when Yachiru knocked on the door.

uchiha itachi, kusajishi yachiru

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