A Place to Stay

Mar 08, 2007 23:04

Who; Malik and Shampoo
What; Going to stay in Shampoo's room since his is quite unliveable at the moment. Talking too, I suppose :-)
When; After the whole Menos affair and Shampoo offering a place for him to stay.
Where; Room 1103
Rating; G

Really. Ask one of them?

The very idea of doing so bothered Malik. Not that asking to stay with any of 'the others', as he had grown accustomed to calling them in his mind, would have been a wrong move. He had been encouraged to seek them out by at least three of the other residents of the castle, and what's more, he agreed that he should. He just wasn't ready.

He stared absent-mindedly at the open journal in his right hand as he made his way down the staircase, his left hand scratching his head and his pen in his mouth. He gnawed on the writing utensil as he descended, blinking every now and then and tensing the muscles of his throat whenever he felt a yawn threaten to escape him. Shampoo had been right about the castle debris for the most part; the hallway on his floor was littered with fallen blocks and pieces of concrete and other building materials, but getting around them wasn't a dangerous task at all. There was even less debris to be found in the stairwell, a fact that would be somewhat suprising if he weren't so tired.

He turned into the eleventh floor hallway, which was to his delight noticeably less shaken then his floor. He took the pen out of his mouth and pressed it carefully against the binding of the book before closing it. A few strides further, and he found himself in front of the room he was looking for. He brought a fist up to knock on the door, but hesitated.

He knew next to nothing of the person who was on the other side of the door.

Malik chewed on the inside of his bottom lip as the thought flashed through his mind. Uncertainty was an emotion that he prided himself on not feeling all too often. So what was it about this place...?

He glared at the door. This planet had already taken enough memories away from him, and he wasn't about to let it take away his character. Inhaling sharply, he tapped his knuckles against the hardwood.

malik ishtar, shampoo

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