if you're hungover, deal with it yourself

Jan 02, 2012 17:40

Who: Clinic people! And anybody else who cares to visit.
What: Clinic is the new place to be.
When: The first week of the year.
Where: Your closet Cair Paradisa Clinic
Notes: Actionspam or prose welcome.

House pours himself a cup of the previously-brewed coffee and takes a sip. He sets it down on the table.

"This coffee is a disgrace."

dr. gregory house

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HAHA I just saw the title now teds_up January 2 2012, 21:52:37 UTC
"Is it coffee, at least?"

Ted lumbers into the clinic, hoping to find something, or someone, to help with his hangover. He hadn't planned on drinking until he passed out and woke up with one of his worst migraines yet, but, well, there you go.


House is unimpressed already stateofatrophy January 2 2012, 22:10:32 UTC
"If you call colored water coffee."

House has already taken in the physical signs and is two seconds away from throwing a bottle of Motrin at Ted's head.


Isn't House's default state of being 'unimpressed' teds_up January 2 2012, 22:18:22 UTC
"Hah, is that what the castle gave you when you asked for it?"

It then occurs to him nobody else is in. Goddamn.

"Can you heal migraines, by chance?"


Nope. He is usually cheerful. Like a schoolgirl. Now he's unimpressed. stateofatrophy January 2 2012, 22:31:08 UTC
"No. It's what my magical 21st century machine gave me when I asked for it." He grabs the pot and limps to the closest sink to empty it out. He's ignoring the second question for now.


haha house is exactly like a schoolgirl teds_up January 2 2012, 22:45:14 UTC
Welp, guess he'll take the lack of a response to mean 'no'. He'll be going for some Motrin, then. It'll do for now.

He gives the pot and House a sidelong glance. "Just wish for a better one, then."


stateofatrophy January 2 2012, 23:39:38 UTC
House's look is scathing. "We're not all so incompetent we can't make a decent cup of coffee."


teds_up January 3 2012, 02:35:23 UTC
The look rolls right off Ted as he looks back at the man.

"Guess the colored water begs to differ, huh? --ah."

He finds his pills and grabs them, taking them out of their bottle and popping them into his mouth, then using a glass full of sink water to down them.


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