(no subject)

Dec 06, 2011 00:05

Who: Jo and Chase
Where: Jo's room in the castle, possibly her place the next morning.
What: She cooked all day. Chase promised to tuck her in.
When: Thankgiving NIGHT.
Notes: This is backdated like a boss to during the Friends loss.

Her feet hurt and her shoulder has a knot in it that's been slowly building the longer she had to hold a spoon, mixer, bowl -- even a fork toward the end there. Honestly, the day had been long, but she was really glad that it had gone so well.

Okay, well is a tiny exaggeration. The whole entire contents of her personal life had been scattered all over the place and she didn't have anyone to blame but herself. The only thing was that she didn't feel all too bad about it. So they knew about Chase. They knew about him being back, why wouldn't they be happy for her? Everyone was so focused on Gwaine and Julia, maybe it was time that Jo had something. After all it had been a while since Sam.

Jo turns the lights off in the kitchen and moves toward Chase who is sitting on a barstool. Her entire body leans against him, ensuring that she doesn't topple him over, but still making sure to make her presence known.

"I'm ready to go."

joanna beth 'jo' harvelle, dr. robert chase

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