forget your troubles, come on, get happy

Nov 24, 2011 14:41

Who: House and YOU
What: Arriving at the castle
When: Today!
Where: The clinic first and later wandering the castle. In your tag, let me know where we're at!
Notes: Actionspam welcome if you prefer

you better chase all your cares away )

dr. gregory house, !intro

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Clinic! save_the_souls November 24 2011, 19:20:02 UTC
Allen was in the clinic, gathering supplies. The expedition had caused him to use some of his emergency supplies to take care of the various injuries people had acquired. He didn't trust asking the castle directly for medical supplies, because honestly- he didn't think the castle had their well being in mind.

So there he was, digging through a drawer that kept the bandages and searching for ones that he was running low on- with a bag to his side. He's currently oblivious to House's sudden appearance, because that's how Allen rolls.


I apologize for nothing stateofatrophy November 24 2011, 19:49:03 UTC
As he sat up on the bed, House looked over to the source of the rustling. Normally, he would care about someone stealing clinic supplies as much as a hooker cares for flowers, but these were his imagined drawers being rifled through by someone he was imagining, which felt like an invasion of privacy on some level.

Picking up his cane, he quietly takes aim and jabs it right into the back of Allen's knee.

"If you're going to steal something, the good stuff is in the first drawer. Rest is almost worthless in the streets."


you never do! save_the_souls November 24 2011, 20:13:30 UTC
The jab hits and his leg crumples out from under him, causing him to fall and crash into the drawers as he grabs onto them. He glances back in surprise.



maybe I should start. ...nah stateofatrophy November 24 2011, 22:51:29 UTC
House passively watches the chaos his little poke provoked. From what he sees, he's unimpressed. He would have hoped his brain would come up with more interesting characters to interact with in his delirium. Like Brooke Hogan ( ... )


Re: maybe I should start. ...nah save_the_souls November 24 2011, 23:00:14 UTC
Meanwhile Allen doesn't make as many observations about this guy. Only that it seems like someone he hadn't seen in the clinic before, and with the cane...well, he couldn't have been from the expedition recovering there.

Maybe Paradisa got itself a new doctor or a crotch-y old man.

He starts pulling himself up from his little tumble, looking back at the man, now getting what he was saying. Prescription drug selling was still something that he would see on the streets sometimes. "I'm not out to steal drugs... I'm just gathering some supplies."


stateofatrophy November 24 2011, 23:27:21 UTC
"I know you're not stealing drugs. Because that's not where they're kept. You planning on mummifying someone?" He'd barely peered inside Allen's bag and quickly registered the contents. Balancing the cane in his lap, he draws the bottle of Vicodin from his pocket and uncaps it.


save_the_souls November 24 2011, 23:33:11 UTC
Ugh, this guy thought he was a kid, didn't he? He scrunched his nose a little.

"No. I recently had to use some of my first aid supplies, so I need to restock. I won't take everything and the clinic will probably restock before it's needed."


stateofatrophy November 24 2011, 23:43:07 UTC
When you look like one and you sound like one, sometimes even act like one...

"Student?" He swallows the pills without water and slides the bottle back in his pocket. "You know if you're going to be in here, you need to be in scrubs. Protocol and all that."

The hypocrisy of that statement, particularly when he swear this is something his mind is making up is something he doesn't consider.


save_the_souls November 24 2011, 23:53:23 UTC
"No," he corrected him, then adding with a brief pause. "Any teachers I had left a long time ago."

And he's noticing the hypocrisy. "I'm sorry, but are you a doctor or a patient?"


stateofatrophy November 25 2011, 00:27:33 UTC
Not a medical student then. No med student will say they stopped being one just because they have no teachers around. The field is too prestigious and too much of a pain in the ass. If he were more advanced in his studies, he'd have simply owned up to it.

"I'm a cripple. What do you think?"


save_the_souls November 25 2011, 00:54:57 UTC
Cripple was a word he hated hearing, his hand clenches a little out of reflex. Too many times he's been called that, never in the context of something else.

"Your aliment is in your leg. That wouldn't stop you from being a doctor."


stateofatrophy November 25 2011, 01:21:57 UTC
Ooh. Someone's touchy. House notes the reaction and estimates the age of the scars. Kid hides one, but not the other. Means he's had enough time to be somewhat accepting. So pubescence or childhood for time of origin. When he hears the response, the smallest smile quirks his lips up.

"You're not as stupid as you look. But it actually could. You don't know if the cause of my limp isn't in my brain."


save_the_souls November 25 2011, 02:36:14 UTC
Why did everyone think he looked stupid? Or was that just a saying? He'd ask Arthur, but he might exaggerate some.

"It's not. If it were, you'd be convinced it was in your leg and doctors don't know what they are talking about when they say there is nothing wrong with your leg."


stateofatrophy November 25 2011, 02:58:35 UTC
"Ever heard of a stroke? It's a fairly common brain problem and even the most hardheaded of patients know it's the brain."

He'll give Allen points for the 'doctors don't know what they are talking about' comment in regards to his leg. He lived that.


save_the_souls November 25 2011, 03:14:47 UTC
He shakes his head. "No, I haven't." His expression and tone was that of honesty. Strokes had yet to be classified in his time, much less did people live long enough for them to be a frequent worry.


stateofatrophy November 25 2011, 03:33:18 UTC
And he just lost those points.

"Right. You need to watch more TV." He stands up and uses his cane to slide one of the drawers open. "Don't forget the tubular bandages. Never know when someone's leg might swell up and need emergency compression."

He limps to the door. "You can also use one under your glove and actually hide that left hand!"


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