cause she's just like the weather, can't hold her together ( CLOSED )

Oct 31, 2011 22:08

Who: Morgana & Arthur Pendragon.
What: Bonding, mutual hiding from problems, ridiculous amounts adorableness for two adults.
When: Around October 12th. Epic backdating.
Where: Morgana's room.
Rating: PG-13.

[ She resits the urge to start laughing as she sits there, sheet covering her hair and messing with her recently brushed hair. She can't help it, this isn't something she ever imagined herself doing ever again. They used to do this as children during a particularity stormy night, or if Morgana had one of her more traumatic dreams, the sort that would keep a young girl awake for nights on end.

Casting a glance at Arthur she brings a hand to her mouth, attempting to cut off the laughter before it had a chance to break free of her mouth. His pride surely wouldn't survive if this ever go out. ]

Don't look so sour else the winds change and it remains that way forever.

morgana, arthur pendragon

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