{closed} // my father was a gambler down in georgia / he wound up on the wrong end of a gun

Oct 28, 2011 15:38

Who: Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester (maybe an appearance by Castiel?)
What: Dean finally tracks his brother down.
When: October 25th, 2011
Where: The Pie Hole
Rating: T

With the crap that tricksy bastard had put them through, Dean couldn't really be blamed for not taking him at his word for something being up with Sam right off. But, the way Jo skipped out on hauling him right over to see him and the fact that he'd been there a few days now with no sign of the kid … it all added up to one thing and that was bad news. As if the Winchesters knew any other kind.

So, he headed on down into down. If word on the street was right, Sam had picked up at some pie shop -- made for a good excuse to drop in and see him. If he even needed one. Sure, things weren't exactly peaches and roses between the two of 'em lately, but hell. They were brothers.

Dean pushed the door in, heading inside the shop and stepping around a few tables to get to the counter, keeping an eye out for that tall, goofy-lookin' brother of his.

sam winchester, dean winchester

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