( closed ) in time i found happiness.

Oct 20, 2011 21:36

Who: auntjenna and moleculars
What: Drinking.
When: 17 October
Where: The Lux.
Rating: PG. Angst, drinking, and loss finding.

Piper had come into the Castle to find her room ... not on the floor it was meant to be, nor the floor that she lived on where it was meant to be. She'd been keeping her composure since the castle had kicked everyone out at the beginning of the month, feeling a bit upset on the odd day in her town house. But having her room changed completely on her was the last straw.

She came to the Lux to drown her sorrows away. Thinking about her lost sisters hurt too much. And knowing she wasn't being the sister Phoebe deserved here hurt her too much, too. Seeing the things she was starting to consider like home being moved around on her made her realise how little control she had here. She was losing everything left right and centre and she didn't like that one bit.

Piper sat at the bar with a shot glass sitting in front of her. She wasn't much of a drinker back home. P3 was a business brimming with drinkers and Piper always liked observing people and ensuring that everyone made it out the door in one piece. She'd rarely been on the other end of the stick. And she was finding she didn't mind it one bit.

She picked up the glass and tilted her head right back, downing it. And asked for another. Tonight, she was going to not be Piper. Or at least, she thought so.

piper halliwell, jenna sommers

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